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I wish it were true but it's probably a aprills fools or something along those lines!:(Foolz3h
Oh I forgot it is soon 1st April.
It most certainly is a aprills fool then.
Damn bloody.
THEIR IS NO WAY THAT COULD BE A APRIL FOOLS JOKE! the art work looks like it was drawn for the game design. This is gonna take ZELDA to the next level. It looks like a post apocalpytic future star wars game with zelda characters. If they replaced the bow with a gun that would be awesome. this game will hopefully be rated T so i can get it. Which most zelda games are geared towards T players. it had a gears of war essence in the preveiw. If they made it into a over the shoulder cam for shooting like gears and a combo system for sword fighting like devil may cry or something. THEN THIS ZELDA GAME WILL BE THE Wii'S KILLER APP. and if you got HD TV And the Componet cables. this game will take you for a ride on the wild side!8)
While I saw that, Miyamoto's quote on Twiloght Princess flickered at the back of my head wen he spoke "TP will be last Zelda game of its kind".
I seriously hope this is real. I doubt it'll be a 2008 title though I hope this not only comes to life, but pisses off as many zelda fans as possible. I'm sick of them whinging of 'the same thing' when that was exactly what they were nagging about since Spaceworld 2001.
Personally, a darker Link + futuristic motorcycle = badass
But it could very well be suss. Some of that artwork may have come from fan projects or different games. The motorbike pic seemed awfully farmiliar to No More Heroes. And this could all be a set-up prank.
That is a VERY cool video, as I am sure everyone agrees. It would definately fit the changing up the Zelda format that was mentioned a few months back, but if it is true, I hope to god that they don't include the firearms. The only way that would work is if the firearms replaced the bow.
In regards to if it is legit or not, while it is close to April fools, there was A LOT of very complex and complicated artwork and computer designed pics that someone spent a lot of time on. That doesn't mean that it isn't fake (the Nintendo ON video probably took a long time to make as well...) but it certainly doesn't disprove that it isn't real.
Heres hoping...
That is a VERY cool video, as I am sure everyone agrees. It would definately fit the changing up the Zelda format that was mentioned a few months back, but if it is true, I hope to god that they don't include the firearms. The only way that would work is if the firearms replaced the bow.
In regards to if it is legit or not, while it is close to April fools, there was A LOT of very complex and complicated artwork and computer designed pics that someone spent a lot of time on. That doesn't mean that it isn't fake (the Nintendo ON video probably took a long time to make as well...) but it certainly doesn't disprove that it isn't real.
Heres hoping...
I would rather have the original bow replaced with a hi-tech-self-arrow-regenerating-scope-bad-a**-bow than a gun actually.
Even though it's hard to believe that this is the next Zelda game, but you gotta admit, there has been some hard work put into this video for April's fool. phatkav
People will go through a lot to try and make something look credible we all remember the infamous Nintendo ON stuff!
This game is not fake. did you people quit watching at the half way mark? They said it has been in production for a year and that they are affraid about loseing the web-site because of posting it. they said they could get chewed out by nintendo for releaseing something that aweosme to the public. The game looks like they are taking alot of elements though from other games. but still this will be NINTENDOS killer app. even miyamoto hinted at something like this.quote:" Twilight princess will be the last zelda of its kind." We all know they were talking of a new zelda with tingle in it... but that could have been a cover up for this! I mean who even like tingle. he is a little flying freak in green tights. This is Zelda with a vengence.
Nintendo, the KING of tight lips, allowing something of this magnitude to get in the hands of some site none of us have ever heard of until this video was posted? Come on now... and them saying 'it's been in dev for over a year'... how in the world does THAT make this any more real? Of course they're going to throw in Zelda references to games past, if they didn't, mindless fanboys wouldn't have a reason to even suspect this might be real. Also, this post has been in development for 3 months... when I finish it, it's going to rock.This game is not fake. did you people quit watching at the half way mark? They said it has been in production for a year and that they are affraid about loseing the web-site because of posting it. they said they could get chewed out by nintendo for releaseing something that aweosme to the public. The game looks like they are taking alot of elements though from other games. but still this will be NINTENDOS killer app. even miyamoto hinted at something like this.quote:" Twilight princess will be the last zelda of its kind." We all know they were talking of a new zelda with tingle in it... but that could have been a cover up for this! I mean who even like tingle. he is a little flying freak in green tights. This is Zelda with a vengence.
This game is not fake. did you people quit watching at the half way mark? They said it has been in production for a year and that they are affraid about loseing the web-site because of posting it. they said they could get chewed out by nintendo for releaseing something that aweosme to the public. The game looks like they are taking alot of elements though from other games. but still this will be NINTENDOS killer app. even miyamoto hinted at something like this.quote:" Twilight princess will be the last zelda of its kind." We all know they were talking of a new zelda with tingle in it... but that could have been a cover up for this! I mean who even like tingle. he is a little flying freak in green tights. This is Zelda with a vengence.
You know, all they said at the blog could also be a aprills fool. Ever thought of that?
This game is not fake. did you people quit watching at the half way mark? They said it has been in production for a year and that they are affraid about loseing the web-site because of posting it. they said they could get chewed out by nintendo for releaseing something that aweosme to the public. The game looks like they are taking alot of elements though from other games. but still this will be NINTENDOS killer app. even miyamoto hinted at something like this.quote:" Twilight princess will be the last zelda of its kind." We all know they were talking of a new zelda with tingle in it... but that could have been a cover up for this! I mean who even like tingle. he is a little flying freak in green tights. This is Zelda with a vengence.
They could have just said that to try and make it more credible.
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