Nintendo can certainly make a true sequel to Ocarina of Time. All they need is a bit of effort. The Wii, as proven by Mario Galaxy, can make some impressive visuals. From there they just need to take the good things about Zelda, scrap the problems, and build from that foundation. Nintendo has proven that they can match the quality Mario 64 with Super Mario Galaxy, so they should have no problem doing so with Zelda.
They just need to quit throwing a game together with the same stagnating formula that has been used for over a decade.
What the next Zelda will need:
A) A compelling story. Zelda has never been weak on storytelling, but the same basic formula is getting old.
B) A memorable soundtrack. This is one thing that separates Ocarina from Twilight Princess. I could probably sing any piece from OOT from the top of my head. Twilight Princess? I don't remember a single song.
C) Good use of the Wiimote. Twilight Princess did a good job of implementing motion-based controls into the Wii port. Now that they are building a Wii game from the ground up, however, they can put the Wiimote to mush more interesting uses.
D) A solid length without the use of "filler" gameplay. Yes, Twilight Princess was a lengthy game but much of the game was spent going on tedious scavenger hunts for insects or ancient artifacts.
E) A large world dense with secrets. Ocarina was in many ways remembered for its many secrets. Wherever you turned there was a secret grotto to be explored or sidequest to complete. Twilight Princess also had a large world, but what is the point if most of it is only a barren wasteland?
F) State-of-the-art visuals. We all know that the Wii is not the most powerful console on the market, but I believe that Nintendo can do all a next-gen Zelda game needs. Through clever tricks, interesting art styles, and a vast knowledge of their own hardware, Nintendo is more than capable of compensating for their so-called underpowered console.
Did I miss anything? What do you think?
hmm, i concur. let me see.
A) the stories are usually compelling. i thought the addition of midna was great and her story was neat. i was really sad when she left. however, i would like something really different, really fresh, like majoras mask was
B) i would love all orchestrated music if possible. that would just add to the beauty of the game.
C) on top of more fine-tuned controls, adding the ability to use classic or gcn controllers would be nice. i loved the controls on n64 and the gcn. sure, motion controls were great but if you can get them just precisely right, it cant hurt to add the tried and true
D) indeed, get rid of "filler" - searching for the triforce in ww or those statues in TP for something along the lines of sidequests. make us journey to get biggorons sword again. now THAT was a challenge. if not that, atleast have a good reward, like collecting the fairies in temples in MM
E) yeah. more just things to look at. however, do that with the sheer size of TP. although others were smaller and more packed, i really did like the size of hyrule field, lake hylia in TP... it was a lot more entertaining to me than the ocean, although the variety of islands was great (when you werent sailing, that is)
F) get a solid art style and nintendo has proven they can squeeze a lot out of limited specs. considering TP was built from gcn then ported, getting a game using wiis graphics should be that much better. however, it is my position that if nintendo would just give their console more graphics power, even half or a third of the 360/ps3, games could be that much better. graphics are important, too, yknow.
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