I can't count one day that goes by where someone doesn't post either a whole thread or just a reply that says the following in some way...
"Casuals mostly buy the Wii"
This is completely wrong and people have just been parroting this line over and over and over.
In reality over 90% of Wii buyers are gamers. What do I mean when I say gamers? I mean they're people who owned at least one console last gen. Nintendo's press conferences in Japan and the US showed that it's more like 92 and 93 respectively. (sorry UK never got the feed from yours)
Gamers are buying the Wii. Gamers are the ones that are calling stores until they get theirs. You really think there's a mass wave of grandmothers sitting outside stores all night for a Wii? Sure, I bet there's some grandmothers doing it but I bet they're outnumbered by a margin of 50 to 1 or better by people talking about the latest level editor they love (hold that purse tight Nana!)
Some novice users are buying the Wii but they don't make up any significant sales right now. They just being introduced to gaming and that's fine, we were all novice players once.
Novice users are playing the Wii so much because the gamer comes home with his or her Wii and all of a sudden people who never were interested in gaming want to try it. In some cases the novice user goes out and buys their own.
How many stories have we seen in this forum alone about someone's Mom or Dad or grandmother (even the Queen of England) playing and enjoying the Wii. They're not the ones who bought the Wii and they're not even the main player on the system. They're someone who Nintendo is trying to cultivate to see that gaming is an acceptable form of entertainment.
So to settle it once and for all gamers are buying the vast majority of the Wii's sold and they're buying the vast majority of the titles, the myth that novice users have made a significant part in the Wii's sales is just that.
A Myth.
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