Look if they made it have the same modes as the 360 and PS3 and make the graphics as good as Resident Evil 4, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Zelda Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime, or Mario Galaxy and run it off of 480p the game could be excellent. It obviously won't have as good graphics as the 360 and PS3, but these games show it's potential and Infinity Ward's magic could make a future for Wii firstperson shooters.
It would have to include online play and make it have the same online modes as 360 and PS3. Metroid Prime 3 is probably the best Wii first person shooter and it's controls were excellent. I liked Call of Duty World At War for Wii, but it has lots of room for improvement and it was rusty. It prooved that the Wii can makefirst person shooters that are fun, but didn't proove that wecan count on that for future game. Infinity Ward seeing Treyarch's mistakes could easily make a top Wii game.
I love the 360 and PS3, but it would be nice to have this on the Wii also because Iwant to tryModern Warfare 2on every platform. Many Wii owners would like a Wii Call of Duty that isamazing.If Infinity Wardmakes the controls excellent, graphics toping the Wii's potential, gameplay fun and having bonus modes like Nazii Zombies and more variety of online modes, Infinity Ward can proove that the Wii can have excellent shooters that Treyarch could not quite proove.
I also saw how amazing The Conduit looks and it has a 6 vs 6 online multiplayer with amazing graphics. This shows the Wii's potential for FPS games. I think it is very possible to make a good looking Wii FPS and I think Infinity Ward can do this easily.
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