What new franchise?[QUOTE="AlexSays"][QUOTE="loco145"]EA has made a new multimillionaire sport franchise just for wii-motion plus.loco145
If it's made "just for" Wii Motion Plus, why is it also coming out on the PS3 and 360? :?
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Huh? Then why they keep developing xbox360/Ps3 games? They should be developing PC exclusive again, shouldn't they? Answer: times change.
Because they were able to creategraphics like this without dumbing down the PC versions. And BTW, that's COD2, let's not even mention COD4.
Your answers makes no sense, you said that IW only works with the most powerfull plataforms. The Ps3/360 are far from being the most powerfull plataforms. Just like the xbox/Ps2/GC were on their time...
I disagree, the 360/PS3 and PC gaps aren't as big as you think in terms of the games. Games like Crysis don't come very often.[QUOTE="loco145"]
[QUOTE="AlexSays"] What new franchise?ChrisSpartan117
After reading that link, I have a feeling that it's going to be dumbed down by focusing on "picking up and play", considering how other EA Sports games that touted that same feature got a dumbed down version(see All-Play).Huh? At least investigate a little pal. First, EA has dropped the ALL-play brand since it was a huge flop. Second, just look at the page. There's not even mention of the Ps3 and 360 version (coming later, they don't even have a date yet). Is clear which is the lead version...
After reading that link, I have a feeling that it's going to be dumbed down by focusing on "picking up and play", considering how other EA Sports games that touted that same feature got a dumbed down version(see All-Play).[QUOTE="ChrisSpartan117"]
Huh? At least investigate a little pal. First, EA has dropped the ALL-play brand since it was a huge flop. Second, just look at the page. There's not even mention of the Ps3 and 360 version (coming later, they don't even have a date yet). Is clear which is the lead version...
I haven't seen enough by EA to prove they're focusing on making good Wii games yet, Skate It was bad, everything else so far was showelware.I disagree, the 360/PS3 and PC gaps aren't as big as you think in terms of the games. Games like Crysis don't come very often.
No, the gap now "isn't as big" because many former PC exclusive developers are now using the 360 as the lead plataform, because times change. An 8800gt can max CoD4 at 1080p, while the console versions varely run the game at 600p... the difference is huge. The computer that im typing from right now runs DMC4 at 300fps, don't tell me that there isn't a huge difference.
[QUOTE="kardine"]Um I am pretty sure EA Grand Slam main focus is Wii. The game is built for that system in every way, the visual style, the controls and so on.AlexSaysAnd I am pretty sure "main focus" is not the same as "just for", which is what I responded to.
In the same way that CoD4 wasn't only for the HD systems....
[QUOTE="kardine"]Um I am pretty sure EA Grand Slam main focus is Wii. The game is built for that system in every way, the visual style, the controls and so on.AlexSaysAnd I am pretty sure "main focus" is not the same as "just for", which is what I responded to. Well I never said it was lol, but it is a huge focus. That and Tiger Woods 10 are using Motion Plus as an intergral part of the game. It is way more than a side feature and will be bundled with the games.
And that was the first result on Google. lol
They know their game would have to be butchered for the Wii and they want no part of it.
I guarantee I'm going to hear a lot of "Oh i'm sure they changed their minds"
Doesn't fit on Wii? What do they mean?
Is it because they think that a quality online FPS doesn't belong on Wii, or do the not want to see a low resolution version of their precious game?
Just to make my point clear. Here's a chart of performance in CoD4.
Running the game at 1200p, 4xAA and 8xAF with everything on max.
While the 360 version runs the game at 600p, 2xAA and no AF with mostly settings on med. (360 version > Ps3 version).
Now, with lesser seetings (everything on max, no AA at 1200p).
There's the 8800GTS outperforming the console version at 1200p :lol:
Don't tell me that the difference is low ;)
[QUOTE="psychobrew"]As already stated, other companies have said the same thing only to change their mind. Look at Dead Space -- the developers practically laughed when it was asked if they were going to make a Wii version, but now it's comming. How many times do I need to say this?AlexSaysYeah, EA? When did EA "practically laugh" about bringing Dead Space to the Wii? I provided a link so I'm sure you can do the same. And you said "others" have done it as well. Like who? Who has suddenly changed their mind and taken the console seriously?
My fault, it was the people who developed Silent Hill for Konami, though EA has stated they can't keep ignoring the Wii and is shifting more resources toward it.
Valve has stated overlooking the Wii was an error.
2K Games is seeking experience Wii developers(Bioshiock 2 anyone?). Is Infinity Ward next?
[QUOTE="kardine"]Um I am pretty sure EA Grand Slam main focus is Wii. The game is built for that system in every way, the visual style, the controls and so on.AlexSaysAnd I am pretty sure "main focus" is not the same as "just for", which is what I responded to. I'd just buy the game for the console it was intended for.
[QUOTE="psychobrew"][QUOTE="ChrisSpartan117"]Despite how IW announced how they didn't want to make Wii games, and none of Activison's other devs are avaiable for a port.
As already stated, other companies have said the same thing only to change their mind. Look at Dead Space -- the developers practically laughed when it was asked if they were going to make a Wii version, but now it's comming. How many times do I need to say this?How does one dev affect the decision of another dev? And better yet, why does Infinity Ward need to make a Wii version of MW2, when MW1 was the best selling FPS of all time WIHTOUT needing a Wii version? This makes no sense. It's not like a company says hey, we have the best selling FPS in history so we don't need any more sales. Of course the company is going to want more sales. Besides, WAW is outselling Modern Warfare based on the amount of time it's been out, and it's the Wii version of WAW that's the difference (at least in the US). If WAW hasn't overtaken Modern Warfare yet, it will.[QUOTE="psychobrew"][QUOTE="ChrisSpartan117"]Despite how IW announced how they didn't want to make Wii games, and none of Activison's other devs are avaiable for a port.
As already stated, other companies have said the same thing only to change their mind. Look at Dead Space -- the developers practically laughed when it was asked if they were going to make a Wii version, but now it's comming. How many times do I need to say this?How does one dev affect the decision of another dev? And better yet, why does Infinity Ward need to make a Wii version of MW2, when MW1 was the best selling FPS of all time WIHTOUT needing a Wii version? They want as much money as they can get, they don't care if its the most of all time, they want to have as much possible, and they don't say we got the most profit for a fps of all time now lets stop making money, no they want more then they had before.[QUOTE="loco145"]
You don't know much about IW, do you? They've always developed to the gaming platforms with the most power. Why do you think IW never made a PS2/GC/Xbox game? All the console COD games last gen were made by Treyarch.
Huh? Then why they keep developing xbox360/Ps3 games? They should be developing PC exclusive again, shouldn't they? Answer: times change.
Because they were able to creategraphics like this without dumbing down the PC versions. And BTW, that's COD2, let's not even mention COD4.
COD 2 was actually for Xbox 360, PS2, Gamecube and PC, so your theory doesnt make sense.[QUOTE="srdjan311"]how do you know that iw won't "touch it" ?!! do u you work for them, are u in charge?! man.. ppl sometimes just think they know everythingAlexSaysBecause they've said they're not interested in making software for the console? Or do Wii fans only hear what they want to hear? Some even have this delusion Activision could make Infinity Ward stop everything and start working on the next Guitar Hero. link please
[QUOTE="psychobrew"]LOL, so you don't believe a developer ever changes its tune? There have been quite a few companies that already have.AlexSaysAh, so Infinity Ward says "we don't want to see our software compromised for the Wii" and Wii fans hear "Modern Warfare 2 for Wii confirmed" I understand now. proof?
[QUOTE="AlexSays"][QUOTE="srdjan311"]how do you know that iw won't "touch it" ?!! do u you work for them, are u in charge?! man.. ppl sometimes just think they know everythingJohonywuzhereBecause they've said they're not interested in making software for the console? Or do Wii fans only hear what they want to hear? Some even have this delusion Activision could make Infinity Ward stop everything and start working on the next Guitar Hero. link please
I have no idea how you came to that conclusion. Other developers who previously had no interest in the Wii have changed their minds -- the Wii is becomming more of a major focus in the industry. The possibility of MW2 on the Wii is much greater than you think.Despite how IW announced how they didn't want to make Wii games, and none of Activison's other devs are avaiable for a port. proof plz, this has been said like 10 times thart there not interested and I haven't any proof at all.[QUOTE="psychobrew"][QUOTE="AlexSays"] Ah, so Infinity Ward says "we don't want to see our software compromised for the Wii" and Wii fans hear "Modern Warfare 2 for Wii confirmed" I understand now.ChrisSpartan117
link please[QUOTE="Johonywuzhere"][QUOTE="AlexSays"] Because they've said they're not interested in making software for the console? Or do Wii fans only hear what they want to hear? Some even have this delusion Activision could make Infinity Ward stop everything and start working on the next Guitar Hero.Lto_thaG
They just named it different, Call of Duty 2 Big Red one, and they wouldn't put it on mac if they wanted the most powerful game systems.
[QUOTE="Johonywuzhere"] link pleaseJohonywuzhere
They just named it different, Call of Duty 2 Big Red one, and they wouldn't put it on mac if they wanted the most powerful game systems.
COD2 : Big Red One is another game.The thing is, in 2005 the xbox 360 was competitive with a 2005 gaming PC. By late 2006, when the Ps3 launched, the 8800s wiped the floor with both, the 360 and the Ps3, put together. By November of this year, when MW2 launches, the GTX 380 is going to be months old... You can no longer say that IW only works with high end hardware... (sorry for not mentioning ATI, but their names are harder to remember ;P )
Crysis was targeted to run at 720p at 30fps in high with an 8800gts. Imagine if IW targeted a 260/4870, people on low budget would still be able to play the game at decent settings with a 4830/250, it would still be a game that puts Kz2 grpahics to shame... But we are the delusional ones wanting a wii version for our IR fragging :(, bow down to the high end 360/Ps3!
Infinity Ward has not said they are not interested in making Call of Duty for Wii. They don't care about anything, but profit. They don't care about most powerful systems, or anything like that, they care about profit. The best way to get profit unless the game is made by the sytem makers or have a contract with a system is too make it for all and include the top selling system, which is the Wii. The smartest thing to do for Infinity Ward is to make it for all systems, maybe discluding PS2 and DS which won't get a huge profit. TheWii technology is now there and COD4had already been starting to be worked onbefore Wii technologywasplanned forCODand COD3 Wii didn't have huge sales so they didn't bother making COD4 Wii. COD WAW had good sales for Wii and they do have Wii COD technology and seen Treyarchs mistakes and now can make a great Modern Warfare for Wii game.
check the sales, i think COD 2 big red one had more sales. I think COD 2 big red one is just not a hd version of Call of DUty 2. The sales were probably similar and they are both COD 2 still.
I don't understand where people got the idea the IW will make a Wii version of MW2 when they clearly said they won't do a Wii game.
Yes Activion could fire them all and close the studio but why would they?
Splitting the IW team on two just to make a good Wii version that might not even sell good and at the same time risk the quality on the other versions doesn't really sound that smart. Activision has very smart people in the top and they know that they shouldn't change the devs that brings in the money or make them angry just to prove that they are the ones in power. They also have hundreds of people employed just to make crappy ports like this so I don't why they wouldn't use any of them instead?
It's not a good idea to play God and risk that one the highest selling and scoring games this year will get hurt just for the sake of it and Activision-Blizzard knows this.
They could try to force IW to make a Wii version just like they could try to force Blizzard to do a Wii version of Starcraft 2 but they won't because there is absolutely no reason to do it.
[QUOTE="Pices"]Perhaps I did not make it clear that with the SD card update, we will not miss anything from the other versions.JLF1
But still, my point is still the same. WaW sold over a million, this proves that there is a hardcore Wii audience. And it is in the best interest of IW to increase the consumer base if they make a Wii version.
I don't understand where people got the idea the IW will make a Wii version of MW2 when they clearly said they won't do a Wii game.
Yes Activion could fire them all and close the studio but why would they?
Splitting the IW team on two just to make a good Wii version that might not even sell good and at the same time risk the quality on the other versions doesn't really sound that smart. Activision has very smart people in the top and they know that they shouldn't change the devs that brings in the money or make them angry just to prove that they are the ones in power. They also have hundreds of people employed just to make crappy ports like this so I don't why they wouldn't use any of them instead?
It's not a good idea to play God and risk that one the highest selling and scoring games this year will get hurt just for the sake of it and Activision-Blizzard knows this.
They could try to force IW to make a Wii version just like they could try to force Blizzard to do a Wii version of Starcraft 2 but they won't because there is absolutely no reason to do it.JLF1
You seem to be under the impression that IW tells Activision what to do when it's actually the other way around. Activision pays IW therefore they call the shot for the most part.
IW didn't make COD:4 for Wii because they didn't think it was the right demographic, but I bet after they saw the COD:3&5 sales on Wii they changed their tune. Basically they didn't think COD would be profitable on Wii but they were dead wrong (million + copies of COD:WaW on Wii at the full $50 had to of made some $$$).
Why do some people think that it's impossible for a company not to gimp a port for Wii (graphics aside). If IW is really as great as your making them out to be than they can make the Wii version every bit as good as the PS360 version. Also since when does a company say "Oh we don't need to sell another 2 million games.".... I mean really?
Splitting the IW team on two just to make a good Wii version that might not even sell good and at the same time risk the quality on the other versions doesn't really sound that smart. Activision has very smart people in the top and they know that they shouldn't change the devs that brings in the money or make them angry just to prove that they are the ones in power. They also have hundreds of people employed just to make crappy ports like this so I don't why they wouldn't use any of them instead?
The IW team is already split in to groups. Each platform has it's own group (PC, 360, PS3, etc.). The people doing the actual game development wouldn't care either.
I disagree, the 360/PS3 and PC gaps aren't as big as you think in terms of the games. Games like Crysis don't come very often.
No, the gap now "isn't as big" because many former PC exclusive developers are now using the 360 as the lead plataform, because times change. An 8800gt can max CoD4 at 1080p, while the console versions varely run the game at 600p... the difference is huge. The computer that im typing from right now runs DMC4 at 300fps, don't tell me that there isn't a huge difference.
no there isn't. They said the difference between blu ray and DVD was huge, i now have it and can confirm its not huge at all, unless you are watching a dark knight imax scene or Wall e[QUOTE="psychobrew"][QUOTE="AlexSays"]I'd bet my manhood Infinity Ward is not touching the Wii version of this game. And I'll just buy the game for a console it was intended for.AlexSaysThe PC isn't a console. Ah, okay I'll make this easier for you. The original game is being developed with the PS3 in mind. The original game is NOT being developed with the Wii in mind. Lol, that was a very fast transformation into a cow. Congrats, you're a natural. :P But this is all just bald-faced speculation. It doesn't have the PS3 in mind any more than the 360, and probably is being built for PC and ported to the other two. You could very well be right that IW won't make the Wii version. But then, you could also very well be wrong, given the precedent that Activision set with Treyarch (DS outsourced, Wii version stays at home) and given that their last game was released one year into the Wii's lifespan, when it wasn't exactly bathed in the most flattering light. Opinions change over the course of 2 years, as do profitability estimates. You can't assume that they want nothing to do with the Wii because a game they made 2 years ago didn't come to Wii. It's hardly "absolutely nuts" to have an alternative opinion than yours about the fate of the Wii version. If you want to bet on this like it is a sure thing, I can only assume that you really really want to be a girl.
[QUOTE="AlexSays"][QUOTE="psychobrew"] The PC isn't a console.clicketyclickAh, okay I'll make this easier for you. The original game is being developed with the PS3 in mind. The original game is NOT being developed with the Wii in mind. Lol, that was a very fast transformation into a cow. Congrats, you're a natural. :P But this is all just bald-faced speculation. It doesn't have the PS3 in mind any more than the 360, and probably is being built for PC and ported to the other two. You could very well be right that IW won't make the Wii version. But then, you could also very well be wrong, given the precedent that Activision set with Treyarch (DS outsourced, Wii version stays at home) and given that their last game was released one year into the Wii's lifespan, when it wasn't exactly bathed in the most flattering light. Opinions change over the course of 2 years, as do profitability estimates. You can't assume that they want nothing to do with the Wii because a game they made 2 years ago didn't come to Wii. It's hardly "absolutely nuts" to have an alternative opinion than yours about the fate of the Wii version. If you want to bet on this like it is a sure thing, I can only assume that you really really want to be a girl. Vicarious Visions would nail this game. If they can make GH: WT as ambitious or even more ambitious than the other versions, I am sure they can do amazing things with CoD MW 2.
I disagree, the 360/PS3 and PC gaps aren't as big as you think in terms of the games. Games like Crysis don't come very often.
No, the gap now "isn't as big" because many former PC exclusive developers are now using the 360 as the lead plataform, because times change. An 8800gt can max CoD4 at 1080p, while the console versions varely run the game at 600p... the difference is huge. The computer that im typing from right now runs DMC4 at 300fps, don't tell me that there isn't a huge difference.
no there isn't. They said the difference between blu ray and DVD was huge, i now have it and can confirm its not huge at all, unless you are watching a dark knight imax scene or Wall eHuh? WTH are you talking about? Im talking about the difference of power of Consoles vs gaming PCs. 360 vs Ps3 are about the same with the 360 slightly ahead.You could very well be right that IW won't make the Wii version. But then, you could also very well be wrong, given the precedent that Activision set with Treyarch (DS outsourced, Wii version stays at home) and given that their last game was released one year into the Wii's lifespan, when it wasn't exactly bathed in the most flattering light.clicketyclick
Don't worry, I'm right. No gender issues will arise.
Treyarch and Infinity Ward are completely different. The sooner people understand this the better.
Treyarch has a Wii specific team with experience on the console. To think Activision will have PC devs make a special version of their PC game for the Wii is "absolutely nuts"
It's a combination of simple things that can lead people to draw a reasonable conclusion but for some reason people insist on "teh possibility"
Infinity Ward will not make the Wii version of Modern Warfare 2. If people think I'm wrong now, that's great, I'll notify you via PM once we find out whos' porting the game to the Wii.
What bothers me is the sense of entitlement that HD console fans have.
':lol: at us, the lowly Wii fans who want a good fps on our lowly console', 'infinity ward only works on high end Hardware like the Ps3/360!'.
IW might or might not be working on MW2 on the Wii, but arguing that its because they only work on high end hardware because of some kind of work ethic is rubish at best. Neither the Ps3 and the 360 are more high end than the xbox/Ps2/GC were at their time.
What bothers me is the sense of entitlement that HD console fans have.
':lol: at us, the lowly Wii fans who want a good fps on our lowly console', 'infinity ward only works on high end Hardware like the Ps3/360!'.
IW might or might not be working on MW2 on the Wii, but arguing that its because they only work on high end hardware because of some kind of work ethic is rubish at best. Neither the Ps3 and the 360 are more high end than the xbox/Ps2/GC were at their time.
Good thing high end hardware isn't the only reason Infinity Ward won't be working on the console.
If you actually read any of my posts you'd find a few more reasons in their too.
What bothers me is the sense of entitlement that HD console fans have.
':lol: at us, the lowly Wii fans who want a good fps on our lowly console', 'infinity ward only works on high end Hardware like the Ps3/360!'.
IW might or might not be working on MW2 on the Wii, but arguing that its because they only work on high end hardware because of some kind of work ethic is rubish at best. Neither the Ps3 and the 360 are more high end than the xbox/Ps2/GC were at their time.
Good thing high end hardware isn't the only reason Infinity Ward won't be working on the console.
If you actually read any of my posts you'd find a few more reasons in their too.
I ahve read them and I don't find another reason other than 'they said so' on some interview years ago.
although id love to see it on wii, and i would LOVE to see it. infinity ward were the ones that passed up COD 4 for wii, so i doubt this will have any chance of making it onto the wii. im gonna go wait for the conduit some more. because yes, that game will rule, and hopefully, knock some sense into developers that skip making shooters on wii.
"Never piss off two arguing girls on xbox live, especially if one of them is the host for the match you are playing in COD 4"
[QUOTE="AlexSays"][QUOTE="psychobrew"] The PC isn't a console.clicketyclickAh, okay I'll make this easier for you. The original game is being developed with the PS3 in mind. The original game is NOT being developed with the Wii in mind. Lol, that was a very fast transformation into a cow. Congrats, you're a natural. :P But this is all just bald-faced speculation. It doesn't have the PS3 in mind any more than the 360, and probably is being built for PC and ported to the other two. You could very well be right that IW won't make the Wii version. But then, you could also very well be wrong, given the precedent that Activision set with Treyarch (DS outsourced, Wii version stays at home) and given that their last game was released one year into the Wii's lifespan, when it wasn't exactly bathed in the most flattering light. Opinions change over the course of 2 years, as do profitability estimates. You can't assume that they want nothing to do with the Wii because a game they made 2 years ago didn't come to Wii. It's hardly "absolutely nuts" to have an alternative opinion than yours about the fate of the Wii version. If you want to bet on this like it is a sure thing, I can only assume that you really really want to be a girl. Actually the PS3 is just a rumour by some random guy named todd stevens who spread this rumour which was later confirmed by fourzerotwo that there is no todd stevens in IW and if anything the 360 COD4 sold the most out of all the systems so Alexsays is wrong.
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