haha spoiled?? WooooooW, i hate it when ppl defend nintendo even when nintendo totally let down again, seriously, they new everyone expected a new zelda to be announced and didn't show anything? what mario galaxy was just released last freakin year! Haha so this is what goes through nintendos mind"
GUY 1--Hey um we haven't made a mario game in like 1 year, yeah yeah, lets do Mario Galaxy 2
GUY 2-- Yeah, but don't you think maybe we should show Zelda because i think maybe ppl are expecting it and everything,
GUY 1-- haha yeah, like anyone would want to see the new Zelda Wii, hahahaha
GUY 2-- No, No Ppl really want the new Zelda
GUY 1-- No, No...No, Mario Galaxy 2, no new zelda haha
WOW NINTENDO, that really all i can say....................................
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