I picked up RE4 today since I am a fan of the series and the reviews of RE4 were extremely high. I can not beleive my eyes... these graphics are a joke. I bought my wii a week ago and realized I would not be getting anything great in the graphics department. The first game I played was Mario Kart. Not good graphics, but damn atleast its playable.With resident evil 4 it looks like someone threw up on my television. It is to the point where it affects gameplay. I can not see items. A pack of ammo is just a red blotch on the screen.
Now I realize this game was made quite a long time ago, but I have played games such as world of warcraft which was released even before re4. World of warcraft looks like CRYSIS compared to re4. Kind of a shame since the gameplay is pretty cool, but I am sorry I can not take graphics this bad. :(
Maybe the PC version looks better?
Please tell me Zelda and mario galaxy do not look this bad!!!
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