The game is not due out until almost 2 years from now and people are complaining about one screenshot? So basically the game will suck because first it won't be exclusive to the wii anymore, second because it became a top down shooter and not an FPS, third because HVS made it? People are sure weird about what games they are interested in.
How much vision can a game developer possibly have if they first decide on a whim to make it multiplatform, after explicitly stating in the past that they want to make games for the Wii, and then after having already shown videos of it as an FPS, decide to completely throw all that away because they decided there were too many FPSes in the 360/PS3 market (something that has, uh, always been the case) and make a completely different game while still attempting to retain the same name?
You can't seriously tell me that that chain of events gives you confidence in the level of quality and cohesiveness that the final title will possess. It's like HVS doesn't even know what they want to do.
Stuff like this happens in the industry all the time. Maybe not at this level but 80% of the games we play do not start out the way they finish. Let me give you some examples, I don't care if you love or hate the specific games.
Ratchet and Clank started out as girl with a stick. Warhawk did not start out as a multiplayer game and they switched gears halfway through. People are freaking out over a game that won't even be completed and distributed in the fall of 2011. People are already bashing a game's only screenshot of an extremely early build. How about people actually express their hatred after the game is actually out?
I just find it odd that people claim to have bought the Wii because it wasn't all about shooters and now they are complaining because the grinder could no longer be a first person shooter. They claim that the Wii needs more of them even though they did not want to play those types of games. I am just pointing out what goes on in this forum.
You have got 3 Call of Duty's Medal of Honor Heroes 2, Red Steel 2, and Metroid for first person shooter or action game. You also have the Conduit which the critics in general said was worth playing to some degree. Everybody just decided the game was crap and did not give it a chance.
There is at least one topic per week on this forum on why can't wii get similar or the same games as the other systems. Now people are getting the same thing and complaints arise. Going multiplat is not rare anymore. It happened to both the other systems so why is the Wii so special? FF 13, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Bioshock, Star Ocean, and Tekken 6 all went multiplat. It's the nature of things these. Now it's the Wii's turn to lose exclusives. It goes three ways.
Give the game a chance and wish for the best. Who wants a game to suck? no one.
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