Sometimes we Wii owners need to talk about something besides the incredible awesomeness of the Wii for a change. Thus, I present to you...
The Official Off-Topic Lounge: Wii Version
Unlike some Wii Versions, this one isn't a crappy port created solely to take advantage of the more careless gamers of the world. This Wii Version will rock your socks off in ways you couldn't possibly have imagined if you'd never visited this thread. Duct tape will be provided if you want your feet to stay warm.
All great things must have rules. The regular Gamespot rules apply, of course, but I want to point out some especially relevant ones.
1. No spamming - "Off topic" doesn't mean "random and pointless." Start a new discussion or be a part of an on-going one.
2. No trolling or flaming - Keep this thread friendly and civilized and it'll be muchos funtastica.
So take off your virtual coats and stay awhile. The OT Lounge is a warm haven for weary internet wanderers.
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