Contrary to popular belief, my name is not Bob Newman. I chose it because it is the most average name you can find, while my real name is quite the opposite. I'm not comfortable revealing it, mainly because I have a lot of enemies and the Protection Agency reccomends me keeping myself anonymous. Lets just say that I made a big mistake during a foul ball at a Cubs game a few years ago. :|
Anyway, I'm 22, I'm from Vancouver (That's in Canada, if you didn't know), I'm in college, and I live with my girlfriend who likes videogames (but sucks at them). She's a trooper, even though I beat her at every game we play...ok, she beat me at Mario Party once, but that's it, I swear.
Now, to get Off-Topic (as this is what this thread is for), I'll talk about the holidays.
I think this is my first year that I'm not asking for any videogame-related presents as I have what I need right now...that's a lie, I'm getting a Wii Points Card for Super Metroid and The Lost Levels. But I asked my girlfriend for a housecoat so I can officially look like a lazy bum while I play videogames. I don't even have to get dressed anymore! Hoorah!
What are you guys getting for Christmas (assuming you're celebrating it)?
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