I just posted this in my blog..butI figure I'll share it withall of you as well.
So last night as I was falling asleep (that is when I do my best thinking), I thought up a CRAZzZzZzy idea for a game. And here it is:
So you start off as..some guy.And your playingfield is your house and the quiet little town you live in. ANYWAYS, it's not important. The point is you eventually find a baby alien (you could choose between different types, such as one that's kind oftentacleish and jellyfish-like, one that's more of an insectoid, one that's a reptilian, etc.). So you have this baby alien and it takes a shine to you and you take a shine to it and you now need to care for this alien by doing your regular animal caring for chores. And provide it with food. As time goes on your alien will grow and evolve (gowing from a little embryo blob into a giant monster). As it grows it will need bigger sources of food. And you need to keep this alien secret from townsfolk, who would notify THE GOVERNMENT.
Anyways so the main point of the game would be that you need to care for, feed, and keep secret your alien.
Eventually you'll need to bring it out at night to cow fields or the zoo to keep your carnivorous pet happy. Of course! You can't be caught! And what if someone catches you? Well.. you'll need to get rid of them. Good thing your pet has a big appetite! So cows and zoo animals are mysteriously disapearing, and so are farmers and zoo keepers. Cops do some investigations, they need to dissapear too. Nosey kids and neighbours get suspicious and snoop around your place; they need to dissapear as well! What's that? There's no cows left? Better invite some townsfolk over for dinner... BUT WHOSE!
So really what I'm getting at here is you need to feed people to your alien that are getting in your way, or just anyone if your alien is hungry enough. You'd do this by social interaction, tricking them to come over to your house, or kidnapping them. If not, either your alien won't have food, (Game over!), The Cops will send you to jail (Game over!), or the Government will come and take away your alien for experiments (Game over!)
The game could have a bit of a Tim Burton - Nightmare Before Christmas art style which would allow for some cool looking aliens and locales and would also allow the player to stomach feeding your neighbours to your pet a bit easier.
So really, this a game could be Nintendogs mixed with Harvest Moon mixed with...some kind of morbid murdering your neighbours and friends game.
What do you think?
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