too many things nintendo has done wrong with the Wii/3DS
- first and foremost: DISCONTIUING THE PRIME TRIOLOGY. Metroid Prime is one of my favorite nintendo games, and now i cant find it damn anywhere becuase they discontinued and FREAKING REIGON LOCKED IT!!
- the "family friendly" approach to gaming. i get that parents dont want their little kids playing call of duty or something like that, but nintendo couldback off that a little bit, i mean LOTS of people (gamers) are complaining about it, and nintendo just blows them off like thier customers mean nothing to them
- the online: just to put it lightly, the online SUCKS. the only good online game ive played on the wii is GoldenEye. other than that, no good online supprt for its games, save the aforementioned goldeneye and Mario Kart.
- the support for ALL their series. although i absolutely love Zelda (Ocarina Of Time is my favorite game), Metroid, and maybe mario (after the New Super Mario Bros, im not so sure anymore), they ignore the rest of their great series. F-Zero is a prime example of that, because it has been around 7 or 8 years since we saw a new F-Zero game. another good example is Earthbound. that was an awsome game, but nintendo abandoned it altogether after the first game.
- the way nintendo releases peripherals, but doesnt support them a month after they come out. a good example is the Wii Speak. that is only availiable in three games( the Conduit, Animal Crossing, Black Ops) and nintendo themselves said they were not supporting it anymore.
- the prices of some of their stuff: some launch games that were priced at $50 - $60 are still the same price almost 5 years later.
- the re-releasing of old hardware in a new casing: example: nintendo DS and soon to be 3DS. theres are least 3 versions of the DS if im not mistaken, and the same is more than likely going to happen with the 3DS.
- the overall disrepect they have for their customers. people complain about nintendo and their shortcomings and nintendo STILL does nothing about what people are saying. many many gamers want more hardcore games for the wii/3DS, and nintendo keeps pushing "family friendly" shovelware that not even the most cautious parents want, because it is so bad.
just so everyone knows, i still support nintendo, and i still love Zelda and metroid, but nintendo needs to step up and be better at listening ALL their customers, not the whiny parents who want to "protect their children from the harm of video games", and their Japanese customers
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