Hey, I'm getting some new games and I've looked around but can't really find some answers, and I suck at search engines:p. anyway I've been looking at guitar hero 3, medal of honour heroes 2, no more heroes, and legend of zelda twilight princess. I have some questions on all so I'll start with guitar hero.
I've played the first guitar hero on easy for a while at a friend's and played rock band on medium/hard at a different friends. My questions on all of this is, are there a lot of songs that will make me want to go back again and again by myself for guitar hero fun?, how hard is it I'm not talking about the dragonforce song but overall? will it take me between 15-20 or more hours just to make it too hard or will I be able to do hard in only a few hours, in other words, is it a long game with lots of replay value? how about online is it still going strong right at this moment? will I be able to find people in the play anyone section of online and find lots of people? that is all my questions for guitar hero.
medal of honour heroes 2, how is the wii zapper gameplay, is the game single player hard (even with the idiot AI) and have different difficulties? Is the online going strong in deathmatch, team deathmatch, and capture the flag (I'll be playing all 3) and is the game overall even fun and last a long time with fun online? that's all my questions for medal of honour.
no more heroes, is it a long game (15-20 hours) on core gameplay and are there any extra sidequests or minigames? is it hard or challenging? that is all?
zelda twilight princess, is it a repeat of ocarina of time (I know the story kind of is but how about dungeons and puzzles i.e at the end of the first dungeon you fight a giant spider type of thing)? is it long with a lot of sidequests? is it difficult or easy, I'm hearing that it's easy from some people and hard from others.
Thanks for all the help in answering my questions.
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