This is the Freakin' Wii Forums. You think any Wii owner isn't going to miss out on these 2 games?
Actually, I probably will be, at least as far as BUYING is concerned. I was actually excited about Tatsunoko vs. Capcom when it was announced that it was coming to the US a few days before E3, but 6-7 months and a really great fighting game later, my interest in the game is pretty much dead now. I still might give TvC a rental if my nearby rental store has it, but I don't see myself buying the game now when I already have two fighters that I could easily put time into at any given time. Quite frankly, I just couldn't see the game getting that much play-time now anyways, since putting in SSBB or Naruto CoNR3 would be a more appealing option for me.
As for NMH2, I've seen a few videos of it, and have come to the conclusion that it's the exact opposite of what I look for in video games. I don't think Suda51's style fits my gaming persona at all, seeing as how I had Killer 7 at one point, which I found to be perhaps my worst gaming investment ever, and this series having no appeal to me whatsoever. So yeah... I'm not expecting to be lining up for this one on launch day, either.
See? It's possible for a Wii owner (a Wii-only owner, in fact) to not have an interest in the two games this thread speaks of. :P
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