What in the holiest of holies is all this moonspeak? even the leet translators don't know what the **** you just typed.For example compare the amount of gameplay mechanics of GGACP to SSBB, GGACP has many gameplay mechanics you need to pay attention to and execute in the game while SSBB has very little. Another example are the combos, some games are more demanding than others, either it being how difficult is it to input combos or how little frames you have to link your attacks. SSBB on the other hand has no focus on frame links, and is not demanding whatsoever on combos as it uses a two button control scheme for attacking and simplifies attacks to up, down, forward, neutral, and back if I'm correct.
Two button inputs with simplified execution does not just make the game easier makes the game shallower than most fighters, without directional inputs like 236, 623, 41236, 84123697, etc.. I'll use an example that I gave at the thread TC was noting at, these are BnB's from AH3:
"421C > j.623X > j.4X > j.A > land > 5C > dash > 5A > 5B > j.A > j.A > j.C > 5A > 5B > j.A > j.623X > j.4X > j.2A+B > land > 623B > 5HC > j.A > j.623X > j.4X > j.2A+B > air dash > j.C
2A, 5B(1 hit), 2C(1 hit), 623+A, 3HC, 5A, 2B, j.B, j.C, 5A, 2B, j.A, j.B, j.C, 5A, 5B(1 hit), 2B, j.A, j.B, dj.B, 623+A, 236+A+B
6C (1 hit) > 5A > 5B > j.A > j.623X > j.4B > j.A > jC > j.A > j.C > (top hit) > land > dash > 5B > j.A > j.A > j.C > land > 5A > 5B > j.A > j.623X > j.4X > j.2A+B > land > 623B > 5HC > j.A > j.623X > j.4X > j.2A+B > air dash > j.C"
If it's compared to a combo in SSBB (I have not found any online) you can see a obvious difference in difficulty. I can understand how someone that is new to fighters can think SSBB is deep and difficult, but compared to other fighters it is not.
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