I remember seeing that list that Kobegill posted, but I don't ever remember seeing the special they had on TV about it. I'm assuming this episode is the one that went along with Kobegill's list, because they have Jay-Z at #1 (just like Kobe's list), and if I remember correctly MTV had Jay-Z lower on all their earlier lists. Anyways, watching this special was pretty interesting considering I had never seen it before... I've had so many debates with my friends like they do at the round table in this video. Of course my top 5 doesn't mimic the list, but it's a good segment none the less. I was actually watching that long Nas and Rakim interview from MTV up on youtube when I found this:
5. Nas
4. Rakim
3. Biggie
2. Tupac
1. Jay-Z
Of course you can just read the list, but the video with debating, interviews, footage, etc. is what I liked...
First Half: #5 Nas, #4 Rakim (video)
Second Half: #3 Biggie, #2 Tupac, #1 Jay-Z (video)
fo sho, peep the Chino XL shirt Sway is rocking8) This is the Kobegill article I'm referring to by the way: Link
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