[QUOTE="elpooz"] lmao that post actually did get modded toriko. good ****.
me and toriko just played gta4 on live and got cheaters in both games... some serious losers are on live :lol:... one dude was bragging about his turbo (don't think i'm allowed to say exactly what this is... but it cheats... nuff said) and then acting all G with me and toriko, all like "man you don't talk **** to me.... maybe mah partners, but not me..." and then called me during the game for private chat and was like "man come over to my hood in the E (wtf is the E :? ? ) and I will mess you up... no oness talks to me like that... i drop fools who see me in real life". xbl is funny as hell sometimes...
Yeah me and my friends usually clown on kids who try to act G on Live. This one kid actually sent my friend a message with his address on it and said "come see me, I'll **** you up kid. I might even shoot you with the 45 if I get mad enough." We considered using his address to send free samples of viagra and **** to his house. We wanted to send something else to his house but I can't say that on here lol...
but yeah i'm glad there's people like that on XBL... it makes it a lot more fun. I'd rather have weird people talk **** and all that than everyone be like "good game" and act friendly. It makes it fun and funny.
lmao ^... these dudes were frustrating though, because they were cheating like a mother... cheaters = fails. as soon as me and toriko called them out on having turbos they shut up :lol:.. except for the one dude who bragged about it. wtf brags about cheating :lol: ? don't most people want that to be secret so that they don't look like phonies lol...?
and toriko, you can't forget Swiftballer... the most G of that whole team....
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