[QUOTE="DisturbedChild7"][QUOTE="d51man"][QUOTE="lonewolf604"][QUOTE="d51man"][QUOTE="lonewolf604"][QUOTE="d51man"][QUOTE="lonewolf604"][QUOTE="d51man"][QUOTE="lonewolf604"][QUOTE="jimmygrace"] [QUOTE="serjitup"]im ashamed i have to share space with most of you people, you people make me sick, you go from saying emo kids dont move all they do is cry ans concerts, but now there proof thats not true and yet you still dont back down, but its okay cuz most of you are pathetic losers who love ti be " hip " and " cool " by fallowing what ever fad comes along ( emo bashing ) before it was goth by now its emo, man some of you guys are realy pathetic and should reflect upon your selves. i love mcr by the way, and no i dont have the the stupid emo hair, i just appreciate a good honest band unlike most of you losers.d51man
MCR and emo's are all horrible.
in your opinion, and plus MCR isn't emo
Wha tis it with everyone saying MCR aren't emo now :lol:
do you even know what emo is? im not talking about the stupid teenage fad, thats what everyone thinks emo isYes I know what emo is. Are you trying to tell me MCR aren't a stupid teenage fad? :lol:
OMG AHHAHA UR SO FUNNYand i didnt say that
I never tried to be funny :| I know for sure I posesse the knowledge you lack :roll:
You said you weren't talking about the stupid teenage emo fad. That's exactly what MCR are! Someonen's in denial :P
no i simply got confused, i thought you were talking music wise ,music wise they are not emo, but if you are talking about their fashion then yes i was talking about whatever you said (teenage fad)Music wise they ARE emo...Go read some lyrics.
Emo is a sound, hate to disappoint. Go google it.
:roll: I know. I'm just trying to get my point across. Oh, last time I checked, the lyrics were part of the overall sound. How stupid of me :roll:
Yea, vocals are teh sound, not the words. I could hum emo-ly if I got teh tune.
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