List ten things you dislike.
- Trolls
- People who constantly bash today's music and movies (I can understand if you bash Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, etc. though.) :P
- The fact that I'm oversensitive on the Internet (When someone irritates me on the Internet, I feel like punching their face in.):evil::o
- Double standards
- People who stare, especially with a stupid, arrogant look on their face
- Getting killed by a grenade in a Call of Duty game
- People who criticize me, esp. on the Internet-I can't help it; it annoys the living crap out of me.
- People who think humans are not biologically animals
- My social anxiety/awkwardness- it even hinders me from expressing emotions.:|
- People who think the French aren't an ethnic group. Even though it's illegal for French censuses to collect data on ethnicity, there is still an indigenous population in France. Immigrant groups in France like North Africans, Sub-Saharan Africans, Turks, Chinese, and Eastern Europeans can be French by nationality, but they are by no means French by ethnicity. My grandpa is 100% French; he isn't black or Arab or Turkish or Chinese. He is an American of ethnic French descent. The ethnic French are descended from Germanic peoples, Celts, Normans, etc.
Your turn.
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