[QUOTE="Im_single"]It is protocol NOT to physcially intervene with children or elderly, there is too much of a chance that the police officer will injur them. Being a police officer is the only job where you will be sued for following protocol to a tee, there is no winning for Police, I feel bad for them. People are just out to hate, it is truely sad.Theokhoth
They can't step in the middle of the kids and tell them to stop fighting, nudging them away from eachother? They have to use a taser--which is insanely painful on an adult, let alone a child, and people have died from the taser--on a harmless kid because "physical force is too risky"? I call BS. Grabbing the kid's arm and pushing him out of the way is better than shocking him with a weapon, and not even that is necessary to diffuse a situation between prepubescent children.
The fact that the cop had to taser the boy twice should prove that the only amount of physical force that would have subdued the kid would have been enough to knock him unconscious. In the worst case scenario, the kid, having been knocked unconsious, could slip into a coma, recieve a life-threatening concussion, break any number of his limbs and bones, or recieve some other life-threatening injury because the cop didn't want to run the risk of fricasseeing the kid with a taser, and even then, according to the Wiki (so take it with a grain of salt), there have been 245 deaths from being tased between June 2001 and June 2007, a period of six years.
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