1) See my message @chessmaster2) Call it what you may, but Universal Healthcare is one step closer to socialism. And our liberty comes from God, not the government. And I didn't say that communism has killed anyone, I said that it leads to the deaths of millions. It has failed in the past, it continues to fail, and it will only work if every human being on the face of the Earth is sinless and perfect like God. Pride, and the love of money would have to be erased from our minds in order for communism to work.
3) No, it depends on what the Holy One says is holy or sinful.
4) Ok.ZCatan
1) We can drop this point, I admittedly do not know as much as Chessmaster on this point, he'd be a better person for your inquiries.
2) Well, I believe that someone mentioned you aren't even getting universal healthcare, or any sort of government run healthcare. What I understand (mainly from what I've picked up on OT, not being American and all) is that an individual mandate will be put in place so that people will have to buy health insurance, ensuring that there's no pre-existing condition rejections and widening the risk pool. The reform you're getting seems to lead to corporatism, not socialism. Even then, I don't think it'll lead to corporatism either.
On socialism, liberty and delicious theory:
I can't take it as that axiomatic. I believe our liberty does not necessarily come from the government, but the government can play a vital role in guaranteeing that our liberty is kept. It does not supply the liberty per se, is what I've found. The whole question still interests me and I do not have an answer to where or what liberty is.
You said it leads to the deaths, my work in criminal law, especially causation honed me into find an inference. As causation determines who is responsible for the death in murder/manslaughter cases. If I did bark up the wrong tree, then I apologise.
Well, communism isn't my thing admittedly (I know a bit on anarcho-communism.) I don't know if it will ever work, and I don't know if it can work. I won't claim to know either and I sure won't presuppose anything about human nature we don't know about in a concrete way to say it won't work. I think love of money is sort of presupposing a monetary system. Though, I do take that point, for communism to work in a formerly capitalist country, the monetary system would have to be abolished and it would depend on the latter generations to determine if the love for money is an innate thing or whether it's social conditions.
Not sure what you mean by pride though, in an anarcho-communist commune, it is believed that the pride would come from working (yes, you'll have to work in a communist society, laziness would be seen as devilish), the admiration and good spirits of others (if you're a good worker) and the material rewards you'd get from working cooperatively with the community. In Marxist communism, I don't know.
tl;dr this is all theoretical, we can't claim any of this is concrete and we shouldn't do so. We should stay slightly agnostic on what social systems can "work" until we can learn what exactly human nature is through the scientific method, no presuppositions.
3) Did I not say it depends on your meta-ethics and ethics, which is basically what you just proved to me? You think morality, ethics and whatnot are derived from God, I however, do not take that and its axioms. It depends on your ethics, that's all that can be said on this point.
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