Okay, since I have a lot of free time, I'll be the first Muslim to address the main points made in the video:
1. "It's explained in the Qur'an that if you have two passages that contradict each other, the written later supercedes the one written earlier"
Here is that verse that is related to the above.
"None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten,but We substitute something better or similar: knowest thou notthat Allah hath power over all things?" [Al-Qur'an 2:106]
This is not abrogation; it's substitution. A good example is the prohibition of alcohol. There is a verse that says that Allah doesn't accept the prayer of a drunk person, and there's another, seemingly contradictory verse that says alcohol is forbidden. However, it is evident in the ahadith that alcohol was banned in stages, so this matter is closely related to the verse. That is, the revelation was not abrogated, rather it was substituted by something better.
2. "Striving to institute worldwide Sharia law is a religious duty"
No, it's not. It is a Muslims duty to spread Islam, that's all. It's called dawah. And dawah literally means "invitation to the religion", not "forced conversion". Muslims even do dawah among other Muslims to increase their faith.
3. "Muslims are allowed to decieve non-Muslims through taqiyyah if it helps Islam"
This point itself is a lie. Lying is among the list of major sins. In fact, lying is such a terrible sin that it is even forbidden to lie about someone as a joke. Muslims can only lie if:
- Lying might prevent or calm down a conflict between two people. However, it can only be a small lie. And if there's a better way to solve said conflict, lying is inexcusable.
- Lying might please one's spouse. Again, this should only be a harmless lie. If, for example, your spouse is worried about you, you must tell him or her that you're fine, regardless of whether you really are in a bad situation.
- Lying might bring reconciliation amongst people in war.
Also, I was surprised by the video's incorrect use of the word taqiyyah. Taqiyyah is actually the concealing of one's faith under threat, compulsion or persecution.
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