If I were going to play along with this thread (which I'm about to do :P ), I'd cite a couple things-
1. The distance, angle, and rotation of our Earth around the sun is so perfect, life thrives. Anyone want to do the math on the chances of all those factors lining up like that? (Don't try, numbers to the sun and back, a near infinite number of times)
2. Why do we have a conscious? Speaking in strictly evolutionary terms, survival of the fittest and all that, how does the choice between 'right and wrong' benefit us in way? (Whether or not you agree on what is 'right' and what is 'wrong' is irrelevant, we all do exercise the power we have to make choices)
I'll stop there for now. Thoughts?
1. Statistics are ridiculously easily manipulated. You could say the same thing about any spec of dust floating around in space. (at least when you don't take physics into account) Example: throw a random set of stones on the ground. There are litterally an infinite number of positions that the stones could end up in so it would seemingly be impossible that the stones end up in one particular position and yet the end up stopping somewhere do they not? Also you make the assumption that these exact conditions are the only possible conditions that life could form which is almost certainly not true.
2. Consciousness actually has an insanely huge evolutionary benifit. It allows us to think critically and discover things that no other organisms can. "Right and Wrong" benifits us by allowing to function as a collective organized society without falling into chaos.
Nothing is random. Everything is based on math (even if it is seemingly impossible to calculate)
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