these are all really valid points. science cant really even begin to explain a large chunk of how the earth works. i mean there is an entire world 20 - 30 thousand feet below the sea that we cant even comprehend cause we cant get there. theres also tons of animals probably roaming around 30000 feet deep into the ground too that we cant even fathom. science also cant even prove evolution. they are still missing that one link that ties everything together. science is also more than baffled at the birth process. i mean animals go from microscopic to anywhere from 0-50lbs depending on the species(dont quote me on the actual weights just using a number) in anywhere from 1-12 months.[QUOTE="KH-mixerX"]
Man, this is hilarious, I post a few quotes by some random people and everyone leaps on it like crazy. I'm not trying to prove anything. Nor do any of you need to refute me. Here's some things that might get your feathers ruffled.
Science's Unexplainable Creatures
Have you ever wondered how anything could evolve by chance? I believe that if evolution were true, which it is not, then when creatures evolved, they would evolve to a state where they are completely independent. They would not depend on other creatures or the environment to live. According to Charles Darwin, "If it could be proved that any part of the structure of any one species had been formed for the exclusive good of another species, it would annihilate my theory, for such could not have been produced through natural selection."
Now, to prove this point I am going to go through some of the creatures living on the planet that scientists have been unable to explain.
Before we go into what an eolidoidea is, first we must discuss what an anenome is. An anenome is a creature that lives in the ocean. For a form of protection from predators, it has spines that inject poison into the body of the predator and kills it. And so the anenome lives to face the next day. However, the eolidoidea have small pockets in their stomachs that store the poison and use it as a form of defense against its predators, and it eats the rest of the anenome. Thus far, science has been unable to explain this creature and how it could have evolved by chance. I have the simple solution to this: God spoke it into being!
Amazingly enough, giraffes are also hard to explain. A normal giraffe has a long neck, but how does it keep the blood flowing out of its head, or when it bends down to drink, how does it keep the blood from rushing to its head? It is all in the neck. You see, there are blood vessels running up and down the neck that push the blood up to the head when the giraffe is standing up. But when the giraffe puts its neck down, the vessels close up so that the blood doesn't all go into the head. If a giraffe would have evolved by chance, isn't it obvious that the head would have exploded before the vessels had fully evolved? I certainly think so.
White-throated Warblers:
I am going to start this section with a story. There once was a man who had two white-throated warblers in a cage inside a closed up room. There was no window- the only light that came was from an electrical source or a candle. One winter, he noticed that the birds were moving towards the southern side of the cage. Now how on earth did they know that it was winter and that they were supposed to go south? This behaviour is very common among these birds in the wild. The warblers will lay their eggs in Germany, then leave and go to Egypt for the winter. As soon as the eggs hatch and the chicks are able to fly, they go join their parents. How do they know where to go? Scientists have looked at other migrating species and learned that it is not only warblers, but also pigeons, monarch butterflies and others that do this. In order to figure out how they do it, scientists decided to track a pigeon on its flight path. They noticed that the birds did not necessarily use the sun because the flight pattern didn't change when the day was overcast. To test whether or not it was the earth's magnetic field that they were using, the scientists tied an electronic device to the bird and let it loose. The bird did fine when the sun was out, but once clouds covered the sky, they didn't know where they were going. But yet how could they have learned how to use the magnetic field of earth to go south? Obviously it could not have happened by chance. Someone or something had to have told these animals that when the climate is this way, go that way or something. Is it really possible for them to have figured it out on their own?
Castorocauda lutrasimilis:
Scientists have recently found a fossil supposedly dating back millions of years to the Jurassic period. This creature is a mouse-type animal. It has (or had,depending on your viewpoint) the tail of a beaver, the teeth of a seal, the habits of a platypus, hair and sweat glands that modern mammals have, and was about ten times bigger than most mammals from that period were thought to have been. Scientists are now saying that this find proved that mammals were much farther advanced much earlier in the timeline that previously thought. It also supports the fact that mammals were here much earlier before the supposed extinction of the dinosaurs. This animal is just one more proof that God created the creatures of the earth almost simultaneously.
Jurassic Shrimp:
Scientists on the coast of Australia have just unearthed another 'living fossil.' The Jurassic Shrimp are a shrimp genus that was thought to have died out about 50 million years ago. The marine biologists were looking at the life in the Australian seas when they found one of these crustaceans. Scientists knew what it was because it was well known from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods of time. However, these shrimp were supposed to be extinct. This is similar to another find in the Philippines in the 1970's. A team of fisherman were out getting their daily catch when they caught a ceolacanth. This fish was first rediscovered in 1938 off the coast of South Africa, and there was a second species of the ceolacanth found in Indonesia in 1997. The so-called living fossils did not go extinct during the time-period that was previously thought. Our world is a big one. Could there possibly be more finds like these out there?kayoticdreamz
we have animals that breathe oxygen that roam the oceans. honestly theres alot science cant even comprehend and i doubt it ever will because the answer is simple God made this planet. science can only prove evolution by dating stuff. but by sciences own logic the matter of earth had to of always existed so is therefore ancient in age.
but thats it science cant prove evolution past dating things and even then thats not conclusive to disprove God. because even taking just that i suppose one even if it is typically God made the earth 6000 years ago i could also say well no God made the earth 4 billion years ago and with that number science is even more confused than it originally was. the fact is science cannot prove evolution if it can its not there yet and honestly till we treck to the bottom of the ocean the planets core and find out what creatures live there and fully comprhend all life on this planet science is in no position to tell me we evolved.
never mind science is constantly learning and constantly progressing and in never ending state of gaining knowledge and changing rules and adding new theories etc. science would have to also be able to travel to other galaxies and study life there too and the fact going back to the moon seems to be difficult at this point in time im not getting my hopes up on inter galactic space travel. also evolution must somehow imply not only did the earth evolve to its current state but so the entire freakin milky way galaxy which is neccessary for earth to even support life. ca
use earth is useless on its own so somehow the sun evolved into the sun the moon started rotating around the earth and the other 9 planets or is it 8 i cant remeber started rotating around the sun as well. and the mysterious belt of commets seperating us and mars. theres also its basically inconceivable for us to get off this planets and travel past the moon. its like somehow everything just evolved perfectly by pure freakin chance is basically what evolution wants me to beleive and i cant do that. theres about 5443564356547657567567567 variables probably more that had to conviently not go wrong in this process. oh yes and we all exploded out of an apparent something that caused this bizzarre turn of events.
i mean here we are the universe is going on along just find and boom bam planets start appearing out of a bizzarre explosion. i mean evolutionists ask yourself can you really beleive we all exploded out of a bizzarre something and 544756756765765765543545 variables all went just right and we are here today because of that? i really cant. and again not just earth the entire universe had to do this too at the very bare minimum the entire solar system we live in had to do this. the rule of probablities and possiblities put this on the .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of happening in otherwords might as well be 0% chance.
As i mentioned last night in another thread that unfortuneatly got closed, Science is not like religion, and unlike religion, Science attempts to back up their theories with proof that is supported by the knowledge within the current paradigm. Yes, science cannot prove what happened before the big bang yet, but you have to remember that the big bang theory is still relativly young, and science is constantly changing as new discoveries are made, maybe in 10, or a 100 years we might discover a new theory that will either be able to confirm or debunk the big bang theory. And even then we might afterwards find something that debunks the new theory on creation of the universe, and it has always been like that with science and will always be. Then again you might argue that you'll probably never get a definitive answer, but scientist at least try to work at it, and work out a possible explaination, other than just sitting and saying that a fictional entity created everything thousands of years ago without having even the slightest proof
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