No offence or anything. :)
But really, things are just not that simple. This was not someone keying his car that he could just go and break his car window and it would make it all good. This guy was repeatedly raped, as a CHILD for Chrissakes, for god knows how long. Think about that, and how it would affect every single aspect of his life.
Exactly.I just want to add that abuse is so detrimental. It is even more detrimental when it takes place in childhood because it quite literally can affect development of the child in many ways. I've read a bit on the subject, including some studies that were done on abused children that followed them throughout their lives, and up against children who hadn't been abused, they were quite obviously underdeveloped in so many aspects of life. They got worse grades, they were emotionally stunted, most of them were depressed and had anxiety issues, etc. Child abuse is as awful and damaging as it sounds, and then in this man's case, you add sexual abuse and the fact that he's male. I say this last part because there's potential social stigma to surround the victims because men are "supposed" to be masculine and "tough" and all of that other stereotypical garbage about masculinity. It therefore makes it harder for a male victim of abuse, especially sexual abuse, to come forth and seek help. Many abuse survivors feel guilt or like they 'asked' for it in some way, so seeking help is very difficult just on its own.
Not to stereotype here, but that's not even taking into consideration his family were strict fundamentalist Christians that were more than likely very narrow minded (if his description is in anyway accurate) and unforgiving people that he couldn't confide in without fear of being judged or told that he was going to Hell or whatnot unless he believed in something life had given him no reason to. From how he described his family, with such intense hate and fury, I can't help but think he despised them as much as the rapist, if not more so.
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