People who consider abortion murder have a sordid view that believes all human cells are analogous with a human individual. The vast majority of abortions terminate the fetus when it has nowhere near obtained the ability to survive on it's own given that up till the 21st week, organs are still half formed. There is also no brain activity for which determines the state of a humans individuality (because that occurs far later), meaning that it is a biological doll waiting to be kick started much later into the developmental cycle.
Additionally, you would think that "if life begins at conception" people would do something about the 70%+ of zygotes which naturally abort. In general zygotes aren't even considered human, we don't hold funerals for them, they aren't issued birth certificates, and there are no laws granting them human status. If every zygote was a soul then God should be the worlds most prevelant abortionist (not that God actually cares about the status of humanity before it kills something)
Furthermore, given that the developing world accounts for 78% of all abortions worldwide, and the death toll for children under 5 is 13 million annually. The anti-abortionists are saving squat but their own ego. Even with abortion we will expect 20 million HIV/AIDS orphans by 2010, we can barely deal with just the 210 million orphans worldwide currently, much less the 25 million displaced refugees.
Are these people telling me that although incapable of keeping the current population alive, we can somehow deal with it when it's 2-4 times bigger? Unless you solve these problems beforehand all you're doing is tossing more meat to the meatgrinder. However, I don't expect people to fully understand the gravity of their myopic anti-abortion support because anti-abortionism is mainly a Western-centric, Human-centric, egotistical movement.
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