I got rid of your weak trolling and just focused on this.
Again, what does this matter if you admit that slavery itself was terrible. There is no reason to post this kind of thing unless you are trying to downplay slavery, which is only something that an immature emotionally student individual lacking in empathy does.
It matters because millions upon millions of Jews got killed and are still discriminated against, yet Jewish Americans are fairly successful, earning around the same as Indian Americans or other Asian Americans...I'm not downplaying slavery, all I'm saying is that there's tons of worse things that happened in the history of the world.
Yes, you are. You're not fooling anyone.
Also, how is the Holocaust and Jewish discrimination even remotely comparable to slavery, Jim Crow and widespread discrimination? The Holocaust and discrimination of Jews happened largely outside of America (tho Jews did face some discrimination here) whereas discrimination against blacks was widespread and institutional in this country.
You're being extremely dense just for the sake of downplaying something that everybody admits was terrible.
I'm not downplaying sh*t. If you think I'm downplaying slavery right now, you're downplaying the Holocaust according to your logic.
The fact is, although the Holocaust did happen outside of America, discrimination in the U.S. was still rampant. Also, you cannot deny the emotional toll that this had on Jews living in America...kind of hard to go about your daily routine when large amounts of your people (including family members) were being systematically killed.
I'd argue that living in a developing country like India/Philipines is 10x worse than dealing with the "ramifications" of slavery while still receiving a first world education system and affirmative action policies (like in college for example), that make it easier for you to become successful.
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