Too many questions and assumptions with no concluding answer means I do not want to think about it. I'm not religious nor Atheist, I'd like their to be a god up their with an afterlife or recreation but if their isn't then oh well. Rather live in denial and die comfortingly than fearing the nothingness that Atheists pursue.shadowkiller11
I do not fear the nothingness i embrace it, the nothingness is more commen to myself and you then your existence.
You did not exist in your current form for billions of years, you exist for a very short periode, and then you will return to the peaceful oblivion.
How did you feel 500 years ago? did you feel bad, depressed or in pain? no you did not because all of those concepts are only relevant to this short periode as an organism.
There are thousands questions, science can't answer. Science only goes to a certain point, then comes god
The difference between a religious person as yourself and an atheist is that, an atheist simply knows there are questions we do not know the anwser for (yet) but he does not need to create a fictional figure or fairytale to make him feel better about it. He can handle the uncertainty, he knows these things can not be anwsered with todays knowledge but will probably be anwsered when we gathered enough information about those topics.
Remember:There was a time when science did not exist and we did not had any anwsers at all. Thank goodness that some of these people did not sat around saying "God did it all, or God knows best" but started asking real questions and were determined to find anwsers.
If you have faith, you would understand. As you don't, I can't explain to you. Let's say you believe in science... gravity does not speak or communicate with any human being. So how do you really know what gravity is? You have faith that science is telling you the right thing, in fact everyone 'eat' without questioning, science. If a man says that the universe started with a Big Bang, you believe it, so after all scientists are also preachers. Science is your religion, mine is Christianism.
I now know you have no concept what science is, 1) you can't believe in science, science is a methode of information gathering, that is all.
2) We do not talk to gravity, to know what it is, we make experiments so we can test theories about gravity, if somebody's theorie predicted what would happen in that experiment, then other scientists will try to replicate that experiment, when all these people come to the same conclusion, only then do people "accept" this explanation. I do not have faith that science is telling me the right thing, i look at the theories and experiments and i understand them, 1+1 = 2, its logical and more true then any other explantion, so i accept it. Science is not a religion, please learn a course methodology so you know what the scientific methode really is or stop talking this ridiculous nonsense that is so extremely laughable for people who do understand those same concepts.
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