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Oh my god - it's manbearpig. I'm totally serial, guys.jodamn:D Win!
And for all that say "Mars can't support life, no water and no air." It's an ALIEN life form. Just because WE need water, air, and food to survive doesn't mean a creature from ANOTHER PLANET does. After all, there are millions of known planets, and out species can adapt to it's enviroment. Why shouldn't an alien?
Explain how something can survive without the following:
Carbon dioxide
Certain bacteria and fungi can survive without oxygen and they don't take in CO2 (although they do produce it). While we are prone to look for life in the sense that we understand it here on earth there is no reason life in the universe could not be compeltley different (not requiring the things we require).
Ah, and here I was thinking that aliens may not have the exact same necessities to live as humans. How silly of me. All living things in the Universe must follow the pre-determined requisites of life on earth. :roll:[QUOTE="CrimzonTide"][QUOTE="Dracargen"]Considering that Mars cannot support any kind of life other than possibly microbes, I say this is either a fake or a rock. Unless, of course, this alien can survive without air or water or food.:roll:Dracargen
Are we talking about the universe, or are we talking about Mars, a planet that has been shown time and again only capable of supporting life if it has, you know, air?
Explain how something can survive without the following:
Carbon dioxide
Doesnt need Oxygen, Or carbon, or water or food. DUh.Fake.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I read somewhere that a person can look at some thing (like a piece of toast) and see a face in it because of the way the brain recognizes faces. This was especially important during pre-historic times with cavemen because they could recognize an animals face or something like that. We still have this adaption, and therefore can distinguish the face very easily, even if there are random shapes or pieces of paper. I am guessing this can also apply to a humans body, where we can easily recognize the shape of the body, even if it was just, as in this case, a rock. I believe this rock is just the human mind distinguishing it as a body, but it is infact a rock.
In combination with the power of suggestion; that is entirely possible.
well even if it was a "person"
what the hell is that person doing??
Why is it sitting down in the middle of nowhere in the middle of what looks like a desert on an empty planet.......if it is a person maybe we should run it over with the Mars Rover thing to put it out of its misery
Considering that Mars cannot support any kind of life other than possibly microbes, I say this is either a fake or a rock. Unless, of course, this alien can survive without air or water or food.:roll:DracargenWhy the eyeroll emotion, that's completly possible just cuz life on earth needs water, air, and food doesn't mean aliens can't. They are ALIENS we know nothing about them they could eat rocks breath whatever type of atmosphere they have on mars and just not require water, that being said I'm not quite sure that's real.
No such thing as aliens.MgamerBDUm, how do you know there's not, that's the problem with man, all man know's is man, look at alot of sci-fi movies and games most of the aliens you see are very close to man just a little different.
[QUOTE="MgamerBD"]No such thing as aliens.cowboymonkey21Um, how do you know there's not, that's the problem with man, all man know's is man, look at alot of sci-fi movies and games most of the aliens you see are very close to man just a little different.And dolphins. We know dolphins.
[QUOTE="MgamerBD"]No such thing as aliens.cowboymonkey21Um, how do you know there's not, that's the problem with man, all man know's is man, look at alot of sci-fi movies and games most of the aliens you see are very close to man just a little different.
Yeah,i cant believe people say e.ts dont exist,thats seriously selfish,there has to be life on other planets.Somewhere in the universe,if it can happen on earth,then it can happen anywhere else.
[QUOTE="DrSponge"][QUOTE="Dracargen"]Considering that Mars cannot support any kind of life other than possibly microbes, I say this is either a fake or a rock. Unless, of course, this alien can survive without air or water or food.:roll:Dracargen
There could be other ways of living.
Oh? You mean they can sustain themselves without oxygen, with very little carbon dioxide, no water, no food? Please explain.
Yes, there are other ways of living. example: we are carbon based life forms, but it is easily concivable for there to be sillicon based forms.
But the picture looks shoped
[QUOTE="DrSponge"][QUOTE="Dracargen"]Considering that Mars cannot support any kind of life other than possibly microbes, I say this is either a fake or a rock. Unless, of course, this alien can survive without air or water or food.:roll:Dracargen
There could be other ways of living.
Oh? You mean they can sustain themselves without oxygen, with very little carbon dioxide, no water, no food? Please explain.
Yes that's exactly what I mean. Just because you don't konw about it doesn't mean it's not possible.
it looks like a statueHybridPhoenix
Maybe Aliens put it there and then moved on, like we're planning to do. Earth'll die some day, so we'll be moving planet. I think there WERE martians on that planet :o
Fake. Looks like the fake bigfoot and it if were NOT fake then why is there only one photo of it?Cedmln
What? It was taken automatically by a probe like a gazillion miles away? You know its not like controlling a remote control car with a camcorder strapped to the top. Takes Days for photo to be sent back to earth...
IT IS NOT A FAKE PHOTO, NO MORE "thats fake at is"
Anyway the point is what is show in the REAL photo, NASA are still looking over it i think. Yes we all know its a rock but non of us are in NASA so we lack the qualification to say.
Big foot found the portal to another planet and he was turned to stone ! Dang !Well apparently anyway. This Photo was taken on Mars by NASA's Explorer Spirit in 2007.
What you think?
Martian or rock? I think Rock.
Dont go telling me its old, it was just on UK news.:)
EDIT: Spirit is one of two probes, the other Opportunity. They were sent to Mars to look for evidence that water one existed. It is believed that if Mars once had surface water, it had the potential to support life.
Well if this is real i think its fair to say the probes have done well. Came back with a bit more than expected.
Well apparently anyway. This Photo was taken on Mars by NASA's Explorer Spirit in 2007.
What you think?
Martian or rock? I think Rock.
Dont go telling me its old, it was just on UK news.:)
EDIT: Spirit is one of two probes, the other Opportunity. They were sent to Mars to look for evidence that water one existed. It is believed that if Mars once had surface water, it had the potential to support life.
Well if this is real i think its fair to say the probes have done well. Came back with a bit more than expected.
Someone explain, from the original image link photo ( http://photojournal.jpl.nasa/catalog/?IDNumber=PIA10214 ):
what the hell is the thing in the middle-bottom of the image that looks like a mortar and pestle
what the hell are the two objects on either side of the above-described thing, which look like mirror images of one another
what the hell are those two mirror-image objects upon, because it looks like a further two things at each side of the image - which also look like mirror-images of one another, which I thought "must be Spirits solar panels" but they appear to be on the surface and blending in with the rest of the rocks on the surface. If those aren't solar panels, then it looks alarmingly like someone's built patios on Mars.
[QUOTE="Dracargen"][QUOTE="DrSponge"][QUOTE="Dracargen"]Considering that Mars cannot support any kind of life other than possibly microbes, I say this is either a fake or a rock. Unless, of course, this alien can survive without air or water or food.:roll:DrSponge
There could be other ways of living.
Oh? You mean they can sustain themselves without oxygen, with very little carbon dioxide, no water, no food? Please explain.
Yes that's exactly what I mean. Just because you don't konw about it doesn't mean it's not possible.
I know plenty about it. . .just because you are wishfully thinking and going "Well, it's still possible!" doesn't mean it is true. . .
Yeah, I saw this and told everyone I knew! :o I am a believer of ETs. :D
But that's not substantial enough for moi.
I know plenty about it. . .just because you are wishfully thinking and going "Well, it's still possible!" doesn't mean it is true. . .
What you're saying about life needing oxygen water and food is false too. I believe they actually did find an organism that doesn't need those factors to live, I'll try to find a link.
[QUOTE="Dracargen"]I know plenty about it. . .just because you are wishfully thinking and going "Well, it's still possible!" doesn't mean it is true. . .
What you're saying about life needing oxygen water and food is false too. I believe they actually did find an organism that doesn't need those factors to live, I'll try to find a link.
Even plants breathe.
Even bacteria need food.
I hope you don't mind if I stay skeptical until you give said link.
Looks like he's riding a quad bike or something. Maybe he missed the ramp and got stranded out there?bangell99
If you knew the scale of the picture, you would know that the formation is only a couple of inches tall.
I got a bit of a follow up to this, I never bothered at the time because the post died, but as its alive again.
What do you think of this:
The picture from: full of mars stuff). Don't know where on the site know, I was only interested for a small period when the original picture came through. The website goes by the theory that the original image was some kind of monument or statue.
This other image shows two objects, one some kind of a structure and the other almost vehicle like.
The main thing is they seem to be on the correct scale of the original image. So what do you think? One point, im pretty sure due to the extra gravity experts say anything living on mars is likely to be much smaller in comparison.
So could this back it up? What you think, personally I think no but hey the discussions there.
Can someone please explain what the solar-panel looking things are in the photo linked in my previous post in this thread, if they aren't solar panels.
If you're into strange pictures from Mars, try this one:
& scroll to the end of the page. (not that the page in whole isn't worth a read, it shows more official images of ice on Mars, wonders about colour correction, and has some more pictures that - I reckon anyway - anyone with a bit of familiarity with geology would recognise right away shows rocks that have been weathered and scattered by fluids of some kind; in case anyone here isn't aware that water being on Mars at some point is not a contended view)
NEVERMIND! - whilst searching for the 'triangle dunes' Mars image during writing this post, I found another site that has a decent photo of what I asked about - - and it's really obviously parts of Spirit that are visible.
re: Dr. Sponge - you're right, there's plenty of Earth creatures discovered and filmed many a time that don't require oxygen to live - they exist around volcanic vents underwater and are considered sulphuric. They look like shrimps and lobsters and those kinds of guys.
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