What they are saying have not been even close to be proved. Just because life can Handel the waters of the south pole to the sandy hills of egpyt does not mean we will find life . Maybe there could be gas animals on neptune. But i am not going to act like they are real for no reason . If they are so sure about life being every where then advanced life should not be hard to find. Many planets could only be a few light years away. Why have we heard nothing?
:| I just got done explaining to you that the universe is so vast that we may never find intelligent life or life of any kind outside of the solar system. Due tot eh limits of our technology and the speed of light.. We only have a handful of stars relatively near us. That hardly means there is a good chance when there are countless planets out there..
Life can handel anything according to some people so that should be plenty .
No we said life can be durable and handle numerous environments we didn't think were possible.. That doesn't mean it can form anywhere..
Maybe unicorns were real but untill i see a dead horse with a horn i am not going to believe .
Good for you, no one says you should believe it.. But based on our understanding of evolution on how life can form, and numerous other scientific studies.. Not to mention how vast the universe is.. There is pretty much a garentee that life exists out there if we accept the idea of how life formed on Earth..
Without proof there is no point in thinking of alien life . Nasa found water on the moon yet i don't see any space cows .
yet again your point doesn't make any sense what so ever.. We have found planets and moons with similar conditions as ours.. And based as we have seen of life on certain parts of our planet, life may live in extremely hostile environments.. Single celled or simple life though, not intelligent life.
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