Well, I finished it yesterday after savoring every page. Heres my random thoughts, reactions and responses (sorry if its long, please read though because I think I have some good thoughts)
1) Many people seem to have misinterprted the last section of the book. Heres what I took from it:
When Voldemort went to kill Harry for the first time (someone said that they cant believe that none of Voldemorts killings before have been shielded by love and its weird that harrys the only one....the difference is harry was the prophercy kid) his soul was so unstable from the other horcruxes he inadvertantly blew off a chunk of his soul when the curse backfired....it latched onto harry. This left voldemort "dead" but only still alive thru his horcruxes. WHen he used Harrys blood to rebuild his body in book 4, he unknowinlgy accepted Lily Potters Protection into his blood. Even after it had worn off of Harry it still remained in Voldemorts body, so as long as voldemorts body was alive Harry had his mothers protection.
Dumbledore said he thought this would happen all along....this is why he left Harry clues about the Hallows, so after Harry had done his duty and destroyed the Horcruxes and himself, he would be able to fight voldemort using the hallows after he came back to life. When Voldemort killed Harry in the woods he also destoryed his soul inside him, but it wasHarrys mothers (that voldemort kept alive)protection that kept him living after Voldemort had done this. The fact is Harry was WILLING to die. It was something DUmbledore needed Harry to wil himself to do and realize it for himself which is why he gave him the stone....so it would be easier. Harry cants die as long as VOldemort lives
2) Snape DIDNT hate Harry. After her learned that Harry was to die in Dumbldores office he cried and said he'd always cared for him. I think he showed so much hatred to disguise his care from Harry and not compromise his undercover status
3) I think that little crying baby in Kings Cross was Voldemort in his form when he was just living off the Horcruxes (right after he tried to kill baby harry, before his body was rebuilt
4) I thought it was weird how Draco was master of the Elder Wand. I assume it was because Dumbledore was marked for death by A) The curse from the ring B) His agreement with Snape to die and C) Dracos assingment to kill him. I assume the wand realized dumbledore has been marked for death and moved onto the one who was supposed to kill him....draco. And then I guess harry "defeated" draco by stealing his wand in the manor thus becoming the true master. What I think happened in the final showdown is both the expelliarmus AND the killing curse hit Voldemort. In the woods harry wasnt defending himself agaisnt the wand and accepted the death it brought so it worked for Voldy and killed him. But now Harry, assuming the role of the true master of the wand, was defending himself causing the spell to backfire as well as the expeliarmus to hit Voldemort.
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