Am I the only one on here who's just sick and tired of the world?
I'm usually angry, frustrated, and confused. I don't experience happiness a whole lot. I have trouble expressing emotions "properly". I'm almost ready to consider myself a misanthrope due to the way people treat me and look at me. I can't go into public without being stared at. Yesterday, while I was going for a walk, some punk drove by me and told me to "get off the streets". I wasn't sure what he meant. I mean, I'm not a gangster nor am I homeless, obviously. I was dressed in jean shorts that went below my knee, a white sleeveless shirt, and white tennis shoes. It was about 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside. I was carrying a bottle of water as a result. So, I don't understand the statement. As he drove past, I heard laughing. I turned around and flipped him off. He just kept driving as he probably didn't notice it.
As I continued walking, people in cars driving past me were staring at me giving me weird looks. Finally, as I was walking home, some stupid *** yelled something to me. All I remember is the word "f*gg*t" It was weird because they were driving on a different street. I'm confused as to why the ******* noticed me so fast. Then again, right when I heard his stupid voice, I just turned around and held up my middle finger. I was very ****ed off. Later that night, my mom and I went to Walgreen's, a small department store. As we checked out our stuff, the cashier looked at me with a blank look on his face and quietly said "How are you doing?". I just gave a weak smile and said "good". I don't understand why the d-bag gave me that stupid look. People are always doing that. Sometimes, they stare and shake their head. What the ****?
In school, people do the usual staring crap. A few times, people would throw something at me; or at least attempt to. I've been called "weird" and "anti-social". In public, little kids give me "dirty looks", too. What the heck? I'm so sick of this crap. I also hate my voice. I can barely get words out and I sometimes sound like a little kid when I talk, too. The same goes for laughing. I'm so f-ing sick of this! I'm always angry and confused and I can barely express these emotions "properly" as I stated earlier. What the **** is wrong with people? Why do random people hate me so much? It doesn't make any sense.
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