@robertos said:
@palasta said:
@robertos said:
Because it doesn't go against decades of established lore, braking it.
Sure it does. Seven decades, changed the race of the main character's father. Changed the race of the main character's love interest. Changed the entire look of Harkonnen, an entire clan (probably most similiar to this 40K fiasco). No one cared, because they aren't weirdos.
@palasta said:
"psychotically political" is a fitting term for the radical ideologues you defend so feverishly.
Ah yes. Merely telling you most people don't care about race/sex changes in fictional media (they don't) and that most people aren't this hyper political.....is psychotic? Not the people hopelessly crying and whining like a little kids over race/sex changes in fictional media?
No, it doesn't. There is an explicit reason why there are no female space marines/custodes. There is a reason why the Salamanders are black skinned. There is no objection to change when it is reasonable and authentic. Did this possibility ever cross your little mind? Who else are you calling weirdos, nerds, losers, incels... etc. StarWars fans, LotR fans, He Man, Scooby Doo, Dr. Who, Marvel/DC, aso asf. Guess what, I don't care for any of these in particular.
Who is crying and whining about race/sex in fictional media, insisting on diversity and inclusivity without exception, even make it mandatory (BAFTA)? Yes, the weirdos (your own words) you're fighting for tooth and nail.
This weirdo, a "politically psychotic loser ideologue", cares a lot, the Sweet Baby Inc. CEO,
Most interesting part 25:25:
"If they don't see the value ... just terrify them with the possibility what's gonna happen if they don't give you what you want."
"There is like a genuine value that you could impress upon them with both... uhm... ethically and financially"
"Ethically and financially"...
Your hypocrisy becomes ever more blatant. When people like me, belonging to a minority with no political motive and universally against any "loser ideology" (not limited to "you guys"), cries and whines about politically motivated alterations in fictional media that's weird and psychotic... "politcally psyochotic". When radical ideologues do it, that's A-OK, that's normal... socially adjusted.
But the thing is, this is not limited to fictional media. Bad enough that your beloved US-leftist inject themselves into everything entertainment and art. Education, language, science, history, academia, sports ... everything is impacted. Nextflix Cleopatra or The Women King, or this guy here, vomiting a whole stream of historical incorrectnes.
A "professor", meaning he is teaching this crap.
This falls squarely on the writing and directing. Common sense. Occam's Razor.
Writing, narrative development, character design... why do you think companies like WB, Microsoft, Sony, EA etc hire organisations like Sweet Baby Inc. or individuals like Anita Sarkissian. Because they can't move the slider from ivory to ebony here and there?
Or FightClub being "a critique of toxic masculinity".
It’s been more than 20 years since Chuck Palahniuk first unleashedFight Clubon the world and simultaneously inspired legions of impressionable young men and appalled their parents. But the themes Palahniuk explored in that book — the emasculation of late-capitalism and the creeping sense of worthlessness and dread that accompanies it — seems more relevant now than it did even back then. Modern men find themselves in a precarious position, where masculinity itself is being (justifiably) re-evaluated, and in some cases, derided as the source of all society’s ills. And many of them are facing the troubling realization that they will never be as successful as their parents.
The danger of ideological BS in your simple minds. The world is oversimplified and the larger picture, the real issue, completely eludes you.
Of course i don't expect you to actually educate yourself. You'll stay in your little sphere and play your game of ignorance. "Look behind you, something orange!"
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