[QUOTE="Vuurk"] History books are always filled with propaganda. The author is spreading their agenda. I recommend picking up an economics book.Vuurk
Yet again you seem not to have a clue to what the Worker's rights movement through unions has given.. No where should it be stated that there is nothing wrong with unions.. There most definitely is, but at the same time your extreme approach is laughable in denying the very basic things that pretty much set the foundations of the US as a middle class backbone nation..
I disagree. You are reading a textbook pushing that ideology. However, I can create an argument against it.In a free market, there should be very minimal regulations regarding workers rights - wages, safety, work environement, etc. You are going to argue that people shouldn't have to work in an unsafe or unhealthy work environment with low wages. However, they are taking that job voluntarily.
Spoken like a true person that has absolutely NO idea what they are talking about.. Perhapes we should stick your ass in that same environment in the early 1900s in which the only job one could get was a factory job..
It is a mutual agreement between the employer and the employee.
No it is not because you seem to think people have a mariad of choices, when in reality they do not.. You honestly think that employees actually had a chocie in this matter? Are you even aware that these were common practices with the radical majority of ALL businesses towards the time.
No one is forcing them to take that job.
This just makes me want to facepalm, do you seriously think these people WANTED to work at these places that were extremely dangerous?
So in the end, it must be better than all possible alternatives.
Those better alternatives have been cultivated from a environment where worker rights exist, that certain laws must be met with minimum wages.. Your getting this all from a perspective of some one who enjoys a system that does not have to deal with this.. How bout you sit down and crack open a history book for a change instead of trying to spout off baseless crap like this..
In a free market, it is often in a businesses best interest to provide a safe, clean work environment with reasonable wages.
Thats funny because REALITY will point to the exact opposite looking around the entire world..
This is because if you do this, your workers will likely be more productive and efficient.
Yet again baseless rhetoric you have shown no data in some how suggesting that the efficency and productivity if the same company hired 3 people instead of the 1 with split wages and zero coverage.. Yet again we actually had to have a WORKER MOVEMENT and political movement to create regulations these things didn't come out of no where, and the businesses sure as hell didn't support them or start them.
If you have a sh*tty, unsafe work environment, then you will have a much harder time finding good workers. People will tell each other about the working conditions and then they will decide not to work for that business.
Unless you have a good understanding of how economics, supply and demand, and equilibriums work in the market, then you should stop spouting off about how worker's rights movements have made so much progress for the American people and middle class. There are many economists who would argue against that idea. Keep in mind that textbooks are often written in a way that makes the U.S. government look very good.
Yet again your viewing this on a current day issue where worker rights, safe working conditions, and collective bargaining have existed for 80 years.. You have no clue what your talking about, how bout you actually look back to those times in which they don't exist, or look at the countries who do not have such things..
In fact if anything businesses do no change.. Worker rights.. Safe working conditions.. Started with workers and political movement, not businesses.. Environmental concerns, banning of toxic dumping.. Started as a political movement NOT a business venture.. All the things we take forgranted to day was put forward by political movements and NOT businesses, who in fact historically have shown they are the MOST RESISTANT to such change constantly.. Perhapes you have never heard of the Pinkerton men? Or other such things.. Thugs that businesses hired to pretty much bully and assault workers who got out of line.
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