It's a problem.
The surgeon general says it's a problem. People from other countries say its a problem. Trends, history, and statistics have shown it is a problem. But obese people in the States, by and large, don't want to accept it and try many strategies to get out of changing their lifestyle.
- Blaming genetics. Even though this "gene" just magically appeared in the last generation and is confined to the U.S.
- Turning a negative into a positive or euphemising the condition to make it sound less serious. "I'm not fat! I'm just 'big boned'" or "I'm not an overweight woman! I'm a BBW!". Guess what, "Miss BBW", changing the name won't decrease your chances of getting your first heart attack before you're 45. Being 6'1" 280lbs with 44% body fat is not "big boned".
- Blaming society for their condition. Some grossly overweight people blame the fast food society and the relative ease to obtain food on the reason they are too heavy. There have even been cases of people suing McDonalds for selling them the food that made them obese. They didn't stick the food in your mouth and shifting blame doesn't make your problem go away.
I hope someone with authority and experience takes initiative on the problem and stops dainty-stepping around the subject. The ozone hole didn't get fixed because someone in a position of authority said, "Well, there's a small tear in the atmosphere over the South Pole. If you can just ease up off the aerosol cans a bit, maybe it can help, but you don't have to if you don't want to.". No...the American public and businesses were slapped in the face with our current lifestyle being a problem and it has to change. Same with obesity. If no one says, "If you don't stop, you won't live to see retirement." and turn a deaf ear to the excuses, lifestyles won't change in this segment of society.
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