He obviously has a couple of issues. Curious as to why he kept the feet in the fridge though. I know some people have foot fetishes, but this is taking it a little too far. Then again he may have just been saving them for a nice broth or summat.
Quite why the uproar here I don't know. Such things happen. That's the problem with reading this kind of s*** - some information has no bearing on our lives, has no benefit, does not better us, yet our modern thirst for irrelevent information drives us to lap it up.
The thing that bothers me is this...I get the feeling that people are less concerned about how the kid died, and are more concerned with him getting chopped up afterwards.
I mean...the article says that there was no indication of rape and that the cause of death wasn't determined. So...the kid doesn't appear to have been raped, and we don't even know how he died. The entire uproar seems less about the MURDER, and more about the fact that he got chopped up afterwards.
Just screams "sensationalism" to me. Kids get kidnapped and murdered all the time and nobody really gives a ****. But chop the kid up after he's dead, and "it's on."
Bottom line...this story seems sensational NOT because of the actual horrifying murder, but because the murderer happened to chop up the body. If the kid had been found dead in a ditch intact with a knife wound to the chest, would we even be talking about this? If the kid was in a condition in which he's suitable to have an open-casket funeral, would this have even been a story? I'm seriously getting the impression that no one would have given a **** if the murderer hadn't chopped up the kid's dead body. And somehow, I sort of think that's disrespectful to the kid who got murdered. I seriously get the impression that the outrage ISN'T about him getting murdered, but is instead about what the murderer did to the kid's corpse.
That's completely right - what he did to the corpse in many ways is neither here nor there tbh, albeit it makes it tougher for the family in some ways. Personally I can only assume there's something drastically wrong with guy - to dismember a body in such a manner is stepping outside the realms of what is deemed normal behaviour.
The actual act of a kid being killed isn't exactly unique news mind you. In fact dismembering a body post event isn't either - we hear of many a 'body found in bin' stories. People lose a screw and these things happen - tis the way of the world and it won't change.
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