If you read the article very carefully, you'll see that you really shouldn't feel bad for her situation. No because she's a doctor, but because she took out all of those medical school loans while accumulating credit card debt. When completed, her loans were either in forebearance and accumulating interesting or she basically neglected to pay them and again accumulated more fees, one of which was over $50,000.
She is a family practice physician in the United States. One of the hardest working, yet most underpaid specialty within medicine next to pediatrics and right below internal medicine. She will likely never repay her debt before the time that she would have otherwise retired.
I have $178,000 in medical school debt. I feel her pain, but she has made some incredibly stupid decisions to get where she is right now.
As for the person that believed that physicians make more than $500,000 per year, that is very incorrect. The vast majority of us are primary care physicians and we make $200,000 or less with 40% of our income paid back to the government in the form of one tax or another plus medical malpractice insurance costs continue to rise, as well, leaving us with meager incomes for the amount of education and sacrifice that is made to get where we are in our profession. To be honest, the majority of nurse anesthetists are paid more than primary care physicians.
We work 80-100 hours per week during residency and over 60 hours per week after residency with little to show for it, but incredible debt, often failed marriages, no families, and chronic depression.
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