The more the Arab Spring progresses and the more we see just how much a blunder the invasion of Iraq was, I wonder what would have happened if it never took place. I am pretty curious actually as to whether Saddam would have been overthrown internally instead of completely by intervention. I also wonder how differently current events would have turned out without the war ever happening.
I must say, I believe the Arab Spring could have happened years earlier if the Iraq War never took place. The complete mess the country became and the cycle of violence it is still consumed in has seemed to served as sort of an example as to what would happen to Arab nations if their respective dictators/strongmen were overthrown. It gave their people a reason (real or not) to rally around them, and even today, we have seen people like Syrian President Assad largely using this card to maintain his key support (as well as Gaddafi and his supporters for awhile).
Yes, hindsight is 20/20 and this is all hypothetical and after the fact, but you have to wonder and reassess history constantly.
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