Okay shall we stop lying now?
Its a tradition started by religion. That says more than enough about what its really about. The scientific reasons were 'discovered' thousands of years after the practice was started.
Also, in the modern world its a largely American obsession. In Europe or other western nations you will be hard pressed to find any significant number of circumcised males.
PLEASE stop lying about 'urinary tract infections' and all that other bull crap. They happen, but guess what, urinary tract infections are INCREDIBLY EASY TO DEAL WITH! They DONT make your meat fall off! Welcome to the 21 st century, antibiotics anyone? Get out of the stoneage. Circumcised penises help protect against STDs? It has a 'slight' protection against a select few, but the vast majority it will provide you with NO protection. Its also true that it provides some EXTREMELY limited HIV protection. Are you willing to make your penis smaller, less sensitive and fugly for the SLIGHTLY increased protection against a select few STDs and HIV?
If so, you are a fool. A condom provides more effective protection than having your meat mutiliated.
And people are crying about smegma? Please... Cry me a river.
And one last thing, the person who keeps harping on about how kids need to CONSTANTLY be washing their meat, is an uninformed liar. Thats a load of crap. Kids almost never wash their parts, let alone their body, I never did, and none of my mates ever did. Guess what, in a nation where circumcision is almost unheard of and viewed as somewhat disgusting and barbaric, I have NEVER heard of a single case of anyone losing their penis over the lack of foreskin...
I've talked to my local doctor about this, he says its a load of crap created by American doctors who have an agenda to secure their insecurities over why their meat got shaved with a scalpel. And guess what, I think you'll find the majority of men around the world will agree with that point of view.
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