Alright, so recently I have gotten quite fed up with religion. Let me start off, I'm personally an Agnostic - I don't believe in a certain religion, but due to the complexity and intelectually of this world, I'm open to the possibility of there being some kind of a higher being. The reason why I've gotten so fed up lately is that I've noticed that several of my friends are in fact religious.
Now, I don't really have a problem with religious people in general, although I do think it is silly for someone to believe in something written in a book which is supposedly 2000 years old. My problem, is when people "religionize" their lives. This is when someone let their religion control their way of being and dictate certain aspects of their lives, such as nutrition (this is the case for many muslims and jews). At each party, my friend has been looking at me and my other friends with envy whenever we have been consuming alcohol. He has told me that he does indeed want to try it, but that he can't because of his religion. Now, I'm not defending alcohol or drugs, but I do think that it is a shame when people are held back from being who they want and doing what they want, because of religion. There are of course people, who are not like this at all. In fact, sometimes, religion can cause people to not care about being a good person - as it gives them the possibillity to just repent after every "sin" they've commited.
In my opinion, everyone was born an atheist/agnostic. You might state that many people "need" religion, but by saying this you basically say that people who don't have a religious inherit some kind of superiority. I don't think non-religious people are more intelligent than religious people, as I believe that 90% of religious people are religious only because their parents taught them to be. Very few people discover religion as a grown up. Basically, I think religion is a false need given to people by their parents (in the vast majority of cases), and being a need (something you couldn't do without) it makes you weaker.
There are of course other aspects of religion as well, many of which I'd describe as being very dark. I went to a christian junior high school myself, so I have witnessed for 3 years of my life what religion can potentially do to people. Religion has worked as a tool of control and segregation since the beginning - it is the reason for tons of wars and an awful lot of blood has been shed in the name of religion. This still happens today, and i honestly cannot conceive of how anyone would willingly associate themselves with something that is the cause of so much despair. Another thing I noticed, going to that school, was that the people there did indeed have a feeling of superiority. I was looked down upon as if I was a bad person, due to the fact that I was not religious.
Then you have the problem related to religious discussions, or criticizing religions - it is just not accepted among many religious people. Personally, I find it incredibly silly to believe in an invisible man who lives in the sky and watches your every move. In fact, I find it unreasonable for people to expect me to fully understand and respect that they believe in such things. I would not expect them to be able to hold a straight face either, had I told them that I believe in an invisible unicorn that follows me around all the time. Before you ask - yes, these two things are just as silly.
Now, even if you do happen to believe in God, and believe that the stories in The Bible or The Quran are true, then I'm fine with that. However, I find it disturbing when people choose to actually worship the people/someone written about in such a book. Call me disrespectful as much as you want, but I do find it hard to accept that people believe in Noahs ArK and such stories like the one about Jesus rising up from the grave. I cannot help but think of it as anything but a clear sign of ignorance. Religion seems like an easy answer to it all - it makes people less curious about the actual origin of life (as I do not believe in the one described in The Bible), and thus holds the human race back from evolving - not to mention all the wars and violence it is constantly causing.
So, what do you people think, OT? Am I being unreasonable? What's your answer to religion? It would be nice if we could get a little discussion going here.
well first of all I'd like to say that im Christian. Secondly you do know that the diets imposed by the bible (I dont really know about the muslim ones) have proven to be some of the world's healthiest diets right? and I hate alcohol with a yeah its good that my religion tells me that its not right to drink alcohol... as for the people who commits sin because they say "oh yeah im gonna do it and I just have to say "k im sorry" when im done and everything will be cool!" I believe they should seriously be teached that this doesnt work that way...I dont say that I have never commited a sin and that I have never asked for forgiveness after I do it, but I dont do it just because I say "its cool because I just need to say sorry and its all fixed!" I dont look down on people from other religions (or none religion) and I dont say that they are idiots either... I like what the bible says, a lot of virgin and I will stay virgin until I get married, no im not gonna "TEST RIDE THE CAR BEFORE BUYING IT!!!" I decided to be a Christian, sure my parents took me to church when I was a little kid...but I think that anyone else would have gotten tired of religion in the way my parents tried to impose it to me...they were very very strict, taking me to church every sunday even if I didnt wanted to come and if I didnt go because I resisted or something they would actually ground me...they are not bad parents but I seriously do not intend to make my children become Christians like this...thats why the bible says "let THEM come to ME" now I rarely go to church anymore...I dont really like what most churchs do...they tag everything as satanic and the people who do it are also satanist...for example people who say that LOTR is satanic when JRR was actually Christian and based his works in many of the aspects of the bible...also when they automatically tag metal music and all its listener as "satanist" I remember one of the last sunday cults I went to, there was a venezuelan preacher...preaching and he mentioned that he has a daughter and then he told us "one day she took her boyfriend to the was one of this man...with long hair, black shirts and black pants...ehm how do you call them? oh yeah satanist, those metalheads!" I was seriously so pissed off I just got up from my seat and went outside as for the each his still veryyyyyy curious about the origin of life because the bible only give us a few details and because it actually tell us that we were not the first things to roam the earth...I do believe in the stories of the bible, all of them. and religions were made by man...not by think that God liked the idea of having like 4 denominations of Christians and jews and a lot of other religions? just imagine a world where we follow the 10 commandments 100% just do that...and tell me if it would not be a perfect world? no one would kill each other, no one would cheat on his/her partner, no one would have fights over religions because they would be of the asme religion...and so on...the rules there are actually perfect, but some people are too blind to notice that. and I also hate when atheist say false things about the how some of them say that it establishes the age of the earth when it doesnt
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