[QUOTE="blooddemon666"][QUOTE="MrGeezer"]And you're damaging your ****ing mind by hanging out on Gamespot.
Or more to the point, alcoholic beverages actually have been shown to have benefits to health when used in moderation.
If you want to talk about "slightly toxic", I hope that you don't drive a car. Because otherwise, you should have seen te warning on the side of the gas station pump claiming that gasoline vapors have been shown to cause cancer in laboratory experiments.
not to mention all the preservatives and processing that go into foods now.and don't say "I don't eat junk food" fruits and vegetables are laden with pesticides
My point EXACTLY.
Just about EVERYTHING is "slightly toxic" in some way or another. The air you breathe is full of carcinogens and toxins. You risk skin cancer every time you step out of te house. And yet it's somehow bad to have a glass of wineonce a week because wine is "slightly toxic", despite the fact that studies have shown that a glass of wine a day is actually GOOD FOR YOU?
Here's my question about straight edge people. Do they avoid taking drugs and alcohol and havingsex on general principle, or because they actually think that they're incapable of handling drugs and alcohol and sex responsibly like other people do?
Well, we have to look at who or what encourages this "straight edge" lifestyle.
From what I remember, it was some anti-fun initiative campaign made up by conservatives.
That it pretty vague, I know, but thats all I remember. :(
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