You can keep on saying it over and over again.. But the past 20 to 25 years will show otherwise that our military has had little use for defense.. The cold War was staved off from going hot due to the threat of mutually assured destruction not our military vets.. And the secondary is true because we prop up regimes no matter how corrupt or brutal to fight a proxy war within regions like the Middle East.. The united States gets alot of critisim for that because we more or less share a empire like Great Britian all those years ago.
You haven't had any experiences of actually being a member of our military.
I did realistic defense throughout my career, so I'm basing my post on actual events.
1. Atmospheric radar detection of Soviet aircraft invading United States sovereign airspace (defense).
2. NORAD, a joint U.S - Canadian aerospace defense command that has been in existence for decades, even has "defense" as part of its name.
3. Space defense: tracking Russian and other unfriendly nations' spy satellites. They are maneuverable, which means their orbits change. Their priority becomes greater, thus you must find them so we know which resources are going to be tried to be spied upon.
Yeah because those damned ruskies are going to war with us!.. :| News flash no matter how much defense we have, nothing will stop a nuclear exchange form happening.. And thats the ONLY thing that would happen if Russia decided to attack.. Mutually assured destruction on a planetary scale, it doesn't matter if we had these what so ever.. Stuff like Norad are good ideas, intil you realize that the main nuclear powers in the world have stockpiles that are able to destroy the planet a hundred times over..
Other unfriendly satilietes? The war is over, the "hostile" forces are a bunch of third world countries that do not have the resrouces or care to get them.. They havn't even developed a nuclear weapon capable of reaching the United States.. Oh noes the russkies may know the location of a few of our missle silos!.. Guess what that means jack when we have navel vessles in the water that they can not track that launch nuclear weapons..OUr NUMBER one defense against something like Russia is the fact we have nuclear weapons.. And their number one defence is nuclear weapons.. Its why the Cold War didn't go hot, because if it didhumanity would havegone extinct from the nuclear holocaust that would occur..
Yet again these "defenses" are nonexistent.. None of these would ever prevent Russia and the United States destroying one another if they went to a nuclear exchange, which would lead to the destruction of the entire human race.. Infact many military strategists and realists went after Bush for pulling out of the balistics treaty and developing a missle defense system.. It should be clear why this shouldn't happen.. Because It makes countries like Russia feelthreatend again because their nuclear weapons are supposedly not capable of projecting the security of"if you attack us, both of us will die"..
I am all for military in its proper defence.. But what the United States has is on a completely different level.. And its mainly used to project superiority in regions of the world of ECONOMIC gain, it has little to nothing to do with actual defense of our nation from being attacked.. Our military budget is greater then all of Europes and Russia's budgets combined!.. And its being used to combat third world countries.. Yet again, the United States doesn't need a military as large as it is now.. There is not a single security risk from a legitimate power out there, god forbid that the United States start using diplomacy in the oil deals they make across seas!
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