I always hear this silly argument that atheists who live a good life and are good human beings should also go to paradise.Now why should they?What have they done to deserve it?
They lived a life their own way and they were good cuz they wanted to be.That way life was most enjoyable for them so they didnt sacrifice much by being good.And since when was religion only asking you to be good and not murder,rape etc?
You are also supposed to sacrifice the worldy pleasures that God has forbidden you like no sex before marriage,not eating/drinking stuff which is prohibited,spending some of your precious time in worshipping God and attending religious worships and I could go on with this.
Somebody who doesnt even have the heart to rape,rob or murder cannot be considered good for not doing such activities cuz he never had a choice.If someone geniounly finds peace and happiness in helping a poor and needy person then again they are not necessarily good for doing that cuz they did it for their own selfish reason.
Anyways while good athesists dont deserve the deepest fires of hell,they certainly dont deserve paradise either!!
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