Can't say as I ever considered myself a yoctogram.
I post here, because of not having a 'there', if you can see the idea. Been to most of the forums here in 5 years. All are dedicated to a specific area, but none of those areas has an appeal for me anymore. This one -Off-Topic- is a loose cannon if you will; not confined to specifics. It's constantly interesting to me for that simple fact, so I remain. As far as being some lame rerun forum, many here may not have been around long enough to realize they were in a rerun anyway.
As for having some spark of originality missing, I can't address that very well. I'm not a terribly original fellow -reading (or 'lurking' ) here is a way of my seeing something original. I tend to go very middle of the road because of my conservative nature. I don't want to be trolled/ flamed/ hated on, and yet this posting almost makes me feel that is exactly what someone seeks now, mistaking those for a missing 'spark' or 'originality'.
Also- why are so many mods suddenly here at one time? Is Off-Topic now out of hand altogether? Sorry, but I can't recall myself ever going beyond civil here. It's just fun watching what you 'whippersnappers" are up to next. I'm not trying to conform, I am too old to be a lemming.
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