Holy shit that movie was fucking AWFUL! I am fairly certain this will be the worst movie I see all year. (I am going to try and avoid spoilers here)
I don't know if I have ever seen a movie fail on so many levels before. If you come in wanting a thrilling action movie, you are shit out of luck. I made a point of looking at the time at different points of the movie just to make points here. You do not get your first legitimate action sequence till HALFWAY THROUGH THE DAMN MOVIE! It is a shitty ass chase scene that comes in at around an hour and twelve minutes into the movie and last maybe a couple of minutes and was nothing exciting. You don't see another action sequence till over a half hour after that...
On a story level, holy shit does this movie fall flat on it's face. I heard a theory that the movie originally had Lex AND the Joker teaming up to get the heroes to fight each other (which wow that would have been a MUCH better movie most likely) but somewhere down the line they decided to axe the Joker but were too lazy to truly re-write the story. It makes sense considering this is only "Lex Luthor" by name. I do not know how you **** up a character so bad. It is literally like we are seeing anti-Lex here.
Instead of an imposing business man who uses his intellect to routinely compete with a God like figure, we get a psychotic little twerp who seems to have NO BUSINESS owning any sort of corporation and who instead of being calm and collected like Luthor usually is, he just seems to be consistently ready to completely lose it at any second, even when giving speeches at parties celebrating his success (which BTW no one seems to fucking care or notice him having a psychotic break on the stage). He has literally NO MOTIVATION for his actions (leading credence to the axed Joker theory) and in fact what little insight we are given into his motives really makes his actions look completely counter-intuitive to what he would want.
I cannot get over how fucking AWFUL his character was and no it isn't as simple as being Eissenberg's fault. He actually TRIES to do what he can with the character. No, what we have is a complete and utter failing of the writing department. They literally wrote an entirely different character and then just decided to put the Lex Luthor name on it. His character wasn't the only one fucked up in this movie, but it was by far the WORST to the point it just might be the worst interpretation of an established character I have ever seen. A huge part of what kills this movie is how awful that one character is. It fucks up the entire movie seeing as his "master plotting" is supposed to be a major force driving the plot.
As said though, Luthor isn't the only character fucked up here. No, they managed to screw up one of the title characters here and it is actually NOT Afleck's fault. Batman ends up coming off as a fucking psychopath in this movie. Not only does his obsession with taking out Superman come off as crazy (even if there is actual rationale behind it), but he turns into a homicidal maniac by the end of the movie. Remember how Batman has that "no kill" rule? You can throw that shit straight out the window. He murders probably dozens of men by the end of the movie and not by simple accident. He flat out stabs a random henchman in the fucking hear at one point. Oh and he uses a gun. Like holy ****....
On a positive note, the acting actually isn't shit. Even Eissenberg doesn't necessarily put on a poor performance. He just happens to be playing a horribly written character and does his best to try and make it work (which spoiler alert: it doesn't). A particular highlight is Jeremy Irons as Alfred. He killed the role and had me legitimately laughing when he was on screen (which most of my laughing was not intentional on the movies part. It was just that bad). Oh and the intro was pretty well shot particular the shot they used when going over the death of Batmans Mom.
Back to the negative though, this movies pacing absolutely sucks. Besides one short chase scene, you go a whole one hour and fifty fucking minutes without an action scene in a God damn superhero movie. What the actual ****? THIS MOVIE GOES THE ENTIRETY OF A WHOLE MOVIE IN ITSELF WITH ONLY A COUPLE MINUTES OF ACTION IN THE ENTIRE MOVIE AND ONCE AGAIN THIS IS A GOD DAMN SUPERHERO MOVIE! After that you get maybe a half hour of straight action (which BTW the title fight is a whopping 8 minutes long and is way one-sided and not the way one would think) then you finish the movie with like ten to fifteen minutes of a crappy ass epilogue (which at this point the audience was so out of it they laughed when one person said OMG loudly and was told to shut the **** up by someone else. People literally thought it a joke that someone actually respected the movie enough to demand proper theater etiquette at that point...) That leaves a two and a half hour superhero movie with only one fifth of that time having actual action, and that action is all shoved in at the end of the movie.
Speaking of the action, the title fight is ok (albeit as I said horribly one-sided) but that only lasts eight minutes out of the thirty minutes of action. The rest features the wonderfully trailer-spoiled fight against Doomsday which was wonderfully mediocre. It is a fairly standard superhero fight, albeit this time featuring drab brown backgrounds to punctuate the psychotic over-use of bright flashing orange lights! I am not epileptic but I seriously thought I was going to have a damn seizure watching that fight. I would seriously warn that anyone with epilepsy should try and avoid watching that fight. It was fucking ridiculous.
The CGI in general was surprisingly terrible at times. It wasn't always a huge distraction, but there were times where I was actually shocked at how bad some of the CGI looked. In particular, there is a shot of a character getting hit into a building (big surprise in a superhero movie!) and the effect of the building being slammed into was so bad that I think I have seen better effects on youtube videos. It was jarring to see in such a major, big-budget movie.
The long runtime was completely unjustified and there was just way too much movie that should have been cut out. In particular, there was a dream sequence that lasted a few minutes that was completely unnecessary and just felt like a waste of time as it did NOTHING to really push anyones motivations. Hell, Luthor could have been taken out of this movie entirely and it would have been fine. He seriously spends the movie trying to orchestrate a fight between two characters who are already getting at each others throats. His involvement does almost nothing to really push them to fight. It is just insane how bad this plot is.
I am still baffled by how bad this movie turned out. This concept should have produced something amazing but instead we got not even mediocrity, but an absolute pile of SHIT for a movie. It is even WORSE that what my very lowered expectations were. I had hoped that the action-packed finale would have at least helped justify the movies existence but it even failed on that level.
The movie was dog shit and if this a proper indication of what to expect with DC's cinematic universe then I will go on being strictly a Marvel guy. Suicide Squad does look interesting enough that I might see it, and there is still a chance that future Justice League movies could be great, granted they did manage to completely ruin a key villain in their universe beyond repair...
Don't see this movie people. It is hard to even justify a Redbox rental IMO. Easily the worst superhero movie I have seen....
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