There is no 9/11 conspiracy. let's start with scientific proof:
 You realize that, that article was written by Benjamin Chertoff? Ben Chertoff just so happens to be Micheal Chertoff's cousin. Micheal Chertoff is the head of the Deptartment of Homeland Security. That is no coincidence.
Of course it isn't. It also means he is in a much more qualified position to answer questions and research the events surrounding 9/11.
1. Why destroy WTC 7 hours after the main event?
Why destroy WTC at all?
This is an argument?
2. The largest building ever demolished was half the size of the twin towers, and it still took 7 months and 4000 charges. how could you do something twice the size in a crowded office building and have nobody notice?
 How could two buildings collapse due to two planes crashing into it? When they were designed to withstand such an impact. Do you not have faith in our engineers, scientists, etc? Do you think Americans are incompetent? Why is the Empire State Building still standing? It was hit by a B52 bomber! Surely it had an actual bomb or two on board.. while the planes that hit WTC did not.
This is all completely false. The Empire State Building and WTC towers were completely different buildings based on completely different design concepts. The Empire state buildings has NEVER been hit by a B-52. Where in the name of god crazy **** did you hear that? It was hit by a B-25 though. Read carefully, B-TWENTY ****ING FIVE. Apparently people are so stupid these days they actually mess up simple letter and number order.
Yes, because as we know, a B-52 is ALWAYS fully loaded when flying over an American City. Gotta watch them pidgeons. Bastards are always plotting.
3. Why has there been no whistle blower who's come out and ruined the whole thing?
 Oh, but there has. They are just not given press.
How in god's name are you smart enough to breathe? Has it ever occured to you that in order to keep it quiet, the government and media would need to pay off and keep quiet THOUSANDS of people? Considering the government can't even keep Clinton's private blowjob secret, how do you insinuate they could keep this quiet?
4. Why are the conspiracy nerds still alive? Why wouldn't a government that killed thousands of its own people silence them?
It's really quite simple. Because people like you don't take them seriously. Another thing is, what you don't realize that hundreds of websites have been censored and removed from the internet. If this alone doesn't make you understand that we are living under tyranny I really don't know what will. You do believe in free speech, right? I will now finish this with reiterating what I said at the beginning:
With statements like that, as well as your inability to differentiate between a B-25 Mitchell and a B-52 Stratofortress, how do you expect us to take you seriously? Based on what you've shown us so far, you have all the intelligence of a mentally challenged chimpanzee banging on his keyboard.
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