BBC reports WTC7 collapses half an hour before it actually does

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#101 d-rtyboy
Member since 2006 • 3178 Posts
OK, it's clear that no amount of reasoned argument is going to convince you; it would be like trying to use logical arguments to debunk Creationism to a fundamentalist Christian. This is your faith and it is obviously impervious to reason.xaos
I actually once believed the gov't line... though I still can't believe how gullible I once was.
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#102 Ninja-Vox
Member since 2006 • 16314 Posts
[QUOTE="d-rtyboy"]So then explain to me, if your so dang smart, why BBC was reporting as fact that the Solomon Building collapsed before it actually happened? Don't tell me it was a typo. They knew it was going to happen because they were told to report it by someone who was in the know. That person however, obviously didn't take into account human error and BBC screwed up and reported it earlier than they should have. On the flip side, are you going to tell me that a group of religious nuts from the poorest and country in world, people who don't have indoor plumbing, people who can't even afford underwear people who ride to war on donkeys your going to tell me that they somehow managed to pull the most devious and daring and well thought out terrorist attack of all time? That's more plausible than people who have access to large spy rings, gov't contracts, explosives, military personnel, military training, etc, etc, ad nausem?

Did i not just tell you that the time they reported this was around the time the building was evacuated for fear that it would soon collapse? Did i not explain to you that they may have been told this and simply mistakenly thought that the building had actually collapsed, rather than just being anticipated to collapse soon?

Did i not explain to you that the US news corp reported 50,000 dead? That THAT is how sketchy real information was? Did i not explain to you the world's largest controlled demolition, and how it would be impossible to rig a building to blow up of this size without at LEAST a year of work? And you're saying this happened with NOBODY noticing it being done?

And this is the most well-thought out attack of all time you say? They flew a plane into a building, buddy. And if you haven't already noticed, the death-toll in Afghanistan is pretty high. Ride to war on donkeys? Are you 12 years old?

I await your next reply. Lord knows you wont bother reading this anyway.
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#103 d-rtyboy
Member since 2006 • 3178 Posts
Ever heard the story how the hijackers took flight lessons, but never learned to land? Or how Mohammed Atta had a PHD? All you need is 19 people as crazy as they are stupid, and it's not too hard to find them from a pool of over a billion people.BobElSnob
Have you read about how they actually did it? It was a well planned, professional job. Way too professional for a bunch of rabble like Bin Ladens gang.
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#105 d-rtyboy
Member since 2006 • 3178 Posts
Did i not just tell you that the time they reported this was around the time the building was evacuated for fear that it would soon collapse? Did i not explain to you that they may have been told this and simply mistakenly thought that the building had actually collapsed, rather than just being anticipated to collapse soon?Ninja-Vox
You're just making excuses for them.

Did i not explain to you that the US news corp reported 50,000 dead? That THAT is how sketchy real information was? Did i not explain to you the world's largest controlled demolition, and how it would be impossible to rig a building to blow up of this size without at LEAST a year of work? And you're saying this happened with NOBODY noticing it being done?

But people did notice. They just didn't think that it was in preparation for a demolition. People who worked there did notice an escalation of security personnel in the year prior to sept 11th.

And this is the most well-thought out attack of all time you say? They flew a plane into a building, buddy. And if you haven't already noticed, the death-toll in Afghanistan is pretty high. Ride to war on donkeys? Are you 12 years old?

I await your next reply. Lord knows you wont bother reading this anyway.

I read a story on how they actually hijacked the planes. Believe me, it was well thought out and professionally executed. Again, way too professional for a bunch of slack jawed yokels who are a part of Bin Ladens gang.
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#106 Ninja-Vox
Member since 2006 • 16314 Posts
[QUOTE="BobElSnob"]Ever heard the story how the hijackers took flight lessons, but never learned to land? Or how Mohammed Atta had a PHD? All you need is 19 people as crazy as they are stupid, and it's not too hard to find them from a pool of over a billion people.d-rtyboy
Have you read about how they actually did it? It was a well planned, professional job. Way too professional for a bunch of rabble like Bin Ladens gang.

Four of them had degrees in Science. One had a PHD. :|
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#108 BobElSnob
Member since 2006 • 326 Posts

[QUOTE="d-rtyboy"][QUOTE="BobElSnob"]Ever heard the story how the hijackers took flight lessons, but never learned to land? Or how Mohammed Atta had a PHD? All you need is 19 people as crazy as they are stupid, and it's not too hard to find them from a pool of over a billion people.Ninja-Vox
Have you read about how they actually did it? It was a well planned, professional job. Way too professional for a bunch of rabble like Bin Ladens gang.

Four of them had degrees in Science. One had a PHD. :|

Exactly. 2:1 odds say that this guys next response is that the hijackers were all fictional.

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#109 Ninja-Vox
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Ok. So now you're saying the government REALLY did it. So i give you this: First, picture the demolitions teams wiring up the World Trade Center towers with explosives prior to the attack. Obviously you couldn't do it during business hours, since it'd be kind of hard to explain to the 100,000 people who worked at or visited the WTC towers on any given day why you had a huge chunk of wall torn out and were wiring up a bomb on the steel beams there. World Trade Center observation deck. Notice: people are there. I mean, keep in mind, I don't know how big of a job that would be (no one has ever demolished a building that size before) but a building just half the size of one WTC tower took 4,000 separate charges to bring down. Four thousand. That job took seven months of prep work... and they had the run of an abandoned building, without having to hide their work from 100,000 people every day. Our demolition crew, on the other hand, can work only at night and has to spend the last bit of every shift carefully repairing the wall and hiding any evidence of charges or detonators as not to be discovered during the day. Huge teams of demolitions experts, who had no problem wiring a building full of innocent New Yorkers to explode, hired in secret, worked every night for what had to be a year (and that's only if they had a big enough crew) placing maybe 10,000 separate charges in each tower and another few thousand in WTC 7 (the smaller WTC tower that also collapsed, later in the day on 9/11). And nobody notices. That's right. That's the theory they're putting out there. 100,000 DVD's they've sold with this. Truckloads of bombs, dozens of mysterious workers, going in and out of the building, night after night. Security at the building doesn't catch them, Port Authority Police don't catch them, random eyewitnesses who stumble across the operation and call the cops don't catch them, maintenance workers who stumble across wet paint and repaired walls and bits of strange wire don't catch them, security cameras don't catch them. The bomb-sniffing dogs who were brought in from time to time (remember, these buildings were bombed by terrorists in 1993) who are trained to find even one bomb, fail to notice the 10,000 bombs lining their building.

The WTC. Note: People are there.
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#110 limpbizkit818
Member since 2004 • 15044 Posts
I was waiting for you to post that.
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#111 Headz_Up
Member since 2006 • 1221 Posts

Are you seriously saying they ride to war on donkeys??? Like they are primitave people or something and aren't smart enough to hijack a plane?  All they needed was some box cutters like they had, and it wouldn't be that hard to hi jack a plane.  Learning to fly is also not overly difficult.. you just need to be trained.. it's a skill, not a talent.

Why would it be hard to believe some of bin laden's people couldn't have done that?

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#112 geist117
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People when will you ever learn that 9/11 conspiracy pushers are just around to stir **** and get attention?
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#113 Ninja-Vox
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Also, the official answer to your question: While investigating and updating information on the collapse of the towers, someone at the BBC was given a report/press release that building 7 was going to collapse. According to the fire department, by 2:00PM they knew the building would soon collapse. Reporters KNEW this well before the collapse because there are videos of reporters talking about it before it happened. So we KNOW reporters were given information on WTC 7's imminent demise. We can conclude from this evidence that the fire department relayed information to reporters that the building was going to collapse. (Possibly by press release) By the time the report reached the reporter at the BBC it may have simply been misscommunicated from "About to collapse" to "Has collapsed". She even starts out by saying "Details are very, very sketchy". That alone should put this to rest. She didn't say 'Sketchy'. She didn't say 'Very Sketchy'. She said "very, very sketchy". It wouldn't be the first time reporters got something so completely wrong. They said it was a small plane at first, remember? They said Kerry choose Gephardt for VP, remember? They told the family members of trapped mine workers their 9 loved ones were alive, all but one, when it was the other way around. Those are just the glaring examples, I could go on... Reporters rush to be the first one with the news and often do a poor job of getting the facts straight. History is littered with this. Even your average knuckle dragging, cave dwelling Neanderthal knows this. (My sincerest apologies Geico's Neanderthal man...) /thread.
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#114 Headz_Up
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Even your average knuckle dragging, cave dwelling Neanderthal knows this. (My sincerest apologies Geico's Neanderthal man...) Ninja-Vox


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#115 SolidSnake35
Member since 2005 • 58971 Posts
*sigh*... When will you people realise? George Bush was flying the planes... yes, all of them. :|
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#116 Headz_Up
Member since 2006 • 1221 Posts

*sigh*... When will you people realise? George Bush was flying the planes... yes, all of them. :|SolidSnake35

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#117 Amineve
Member since 2005 • 292 Posts
t was allowed to happen at the minimal

here are past example of governmental false flag attacks

on the subject of popular mechanics

"Ben Chertoff, the chief editor of the piece, being cousins with Michael Chertoff, the new Secretery of Homeland Security, an agency which owes its very existence to the establishment version of the 9/11 attack."

"Chertoff said he was the "senior researcher" of the piece. When asked if he was related to Michael Chertoff, he said, "I don't know." Clearly uncomfortable about discussing the matter further, he told me that all questions about the article should be put to the publicist ? the one who never answers the phone."

"Benjamin's mother in Pelham, New York, however, was more willing to talk. Asked if Benjamin was related to the new Secretary of Homeland Security, Judy said, "Yes, of course, he is a cousin." "

Source: American Free Press Article By Chistopher Bollyn

Hearst publishing owns Popular Mechanics

Hearst is widely known for yellow journalism, for example the downing of the maine and the spanish american war

"Yellow journalism: The term originated during the circulation battles between Joseph Pulitzer's New York World and William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal from 1895 to about 1898, and can refer specifically to this period. Both papers were accused by critics of sensationalizing the news in order to drive up circulation, although the newspapers did serious reporting as well. The New York Press coined the term "Yellow Journalism" in early 1897 to describe the papers of Pulitzer and Hearst. The newspaper did not define the term, and in 1898 simply elaborated, "We called them Yellow because they are Yellow.""

"the term yellow journalism traditionally refers to news organizations for whom some combination of sensationalism, profiteering, propaganda, journalistic bias or jingoism takes dominance over factual reporting and the profession's public trust."

"In the 1890s, while competing over readership of their newspapers in New York City, William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer’s yellow journalism are said to sway public opinion in New York City. They were not influential in the rest of the country. By appealing to the territoriality and ethnocentrism of readers, Hearst and Pulitzer had some influence over American opinion of the Spanish. The Spanish soldiers, portrayed as cruel and bloodthirsty, were accused of countless illegal and immoral acts. Allegations were made that innocent women were strip searched by callous troops, or taken prisoner and thrown into Cuban jails full of violent criminals. These images and stories invoked the public outcry that led to war."

on the subject of maddox

... yes i have to admit that he is a very respectable source on this subject "sarcastic"

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#118 Bidiot
Member since 2003 • 609 Posts
you're using somthing that happened 100 years ago to claim popmech isn't realiable, and you use wikipedia as sources?