So much stupid in this post....
Anyone who doesn't think war is horrible is likely too young to even understand what the concept of war is....
And yeah, all of us 'Mericans just wanna grab a M16 and shoot us some towelheads! :roll:
Seriously the amount of racism against Americans that just gets accepted around here is disgusting. How about we start judging other countries based on their worst common denominator considered everyone likes to act like Americans are all big dumb gun loving hicks?
No, American nationalists are just butt-hurt that Prviate Bradley Manning helped expose your country's genocidal war crimes in Iraq...
If Americans truly understand how "horrible" war is, then why did so many of them support wars and policies that led to the extermination of millions of Iraqis over the past two decades?Â
Sorry, but if there's any "racism" here, it's from the American nationalists who supported their government's actions in Iraq...
Where is the proof of the statistics you are quoting? Â You are making the claim, now it's time to back it up.Â
Glad you asked...
"US Sponsored Genocide Against Iraq 1990-2012. Killed 3.3 Million, Including 750,000 Children
Statement by Professor Francis Boyle, Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal
Approximately 3.3 million Iraqis, including 750,000 children, were exterminated by economic sanctions and/or illegal wars conducted by the U.S. and Great Britain between 1990 and 2012, an eminent international legal authority says.
The slaughter fits the classic definition of Genocide Convention Article II of, Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part, says Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois, Champaign, and who in 1991 filed a class-action complaint with the UN against President George H.W. Bush.
The U.S. and U.K. obstinately insisted that their sanctions remain in place until after the illegal Gulf War II aggression perpetrated by President George W. Bush and UKs Tony Blair in March, 2003, not with a view to easing the over decade-long suffering of the Iraqi people and children but to better facilitate the U.S./U.K. unsupervised looting and plundering of the Iraqi economy and oil fields in violation of the international laws of war as well as to the grave detriment of the Iraqi people, Boyle said.
In an address last Nov. 22 to The International Conference on War-affected Children in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Boyle tallied the death toll on Iraq by U.S.-U.K. actions as follows:
# The slaughter of 200,000 Iraqis by President Bush in his illegal 1991 Gulf War I.
# The deaths of 1.4 million Iraqis as a result of the illegal 2003 war of aggression ordered by President Bush Jr. and Prime Minister Blair.
# The deaths of 1.7 million Iraqis as a direct result of the genocidal sanctions.
Boyles class-action complaint demanded an end to all economic sanctions against Iraq; criminal proceedings for genocide against President George H.W. Bush; monetary compensation to the children of Iraq and their families for deaths, physical and mental injury; and for shipping massive humanitarian relief supplies to that country.
The grossly hypocritical UN refused to terminate the sanctions, Boyle pointed out, even though its own Food and Agricultural Organizations Report estimated that by 1995 the sanctions had killed 560,000 Iraqi children during the previous five years.
Boyle noted that then U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright was interviewed on CBS-TV on May 12, 1996, in response to a question by Leslie Stahl if the price of half a million dead children was worth it, and replied, we (the U.S. government) think the price is worth it.
Albrights shocking response provides proof positive of the genocidal intent by the U.S. government against Iraq under the Genocide Convention, Boyle said, adding that the government of Iraq today could still bring legal action against the U.S. and the U.K. in the International Court of Justice. He said the U.S.-U.K. genocide also violated the municipal legal systems of all civilized nations in the world; the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child; and the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and its Additional Protocol 1 of 1977.
Boyle, who was stirred to take action pro bono by Mothers in Iraq after the economic sanctions had been imposed upon them by the Security Council in August, 1990, in response to pressure from the Bush Senior Administration. He is the author of numerous books on international affairs, including Destroying World Order (Clarity Press.)"
Even if we were to be generous and half that figure, that's still millions of Iraqis killed by your government. So, are you going to play the Iraqi Holocaust Denial game now? Or are you finally going to have the guts to condemn your government's actions in Iraq? If Hitler were alive today, he'd be proud of just how much America is following in his footsteps...
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