[QUOTE="njean777"][QUOTE="nocoolnamejim"] I'm not sure you're catching my point here. I'm not talking about working with the hospital administrators to work out a payment plan for something that will kill you over the course of a year or two like cancer. You have been shot. You do not have insurance. Unlike right now, where emergency treatment is guaranteed, there is no guarantee that the hospital gets reimbursed and therefore payment has to be settled before they can sew you back together. There's an urgency to this situation that I think you're missing. I'm sure, given time, the hospital would work with you and your family to come up with a payment plan. And you, lacking insurance, are a pretty good bet to eventually default and, because of the social safety nets already in place, become a ward of the government and end up relying upon taxpayer money when you later declared bankruptcy. But if the hospital did NOT provide care until payment was assured, and payment was not assured by folks who did not have insurance, then they would be forced to let you die rather than provide treatment. This is admittedly an extreme example, but in the scenario that you describe where it is everyone for themselves and "damnit the goverment shouldn't make me buy no stinkin' insurance" then it is also a realistic example of the risk you're taking.nocoolnamejim
but the hospital under law has to give you care, after you are treated then they set up the payment plan, how is any taxpayer paying them during the operation if you are gonna pay for it after you set up the plan.
maybe i did miss something
Two problems with that view: 1. What incentive is there for hospitals to not charge you an arm and a leg after the fact? 2. If you default on your payments - and realistically given the cost of emergency care and how difficult it would be for your average person to be able to afford it without insurance it is more of a WHEN you default - then the costs tend to be passed along to everyone else in the form of higher premiums for those of us who DO buy insurance. Realistically, how many folks can afford - with interest - the payments required for a $200K or$ 500K hospital bill? We're not JUST talking about the emergency lifesaving procedure to keep you from dying on the spot. We're talking about months of care and rehab to follow. Most people without health insurance, regardless of the plan, CAN NOT AFFORD that sort of bill for any SERIOUS illness. Essentially, you are making a couple of massive assumptions. First, that emergency care will always be guaranteed. And second, that you will be able to pay for it afterwards...no matter what you make or what your family makes.
Health Insurance is like every other form of insurance. If you never need it, then it is a huge waste of money. But it is a hedge against huge downside risk. Let's say you buy fire insurance against your house burning down. If you never use it, then you waste your money. On the other hand, if you eventually need it, then the $15K in insurance that you've paid out over the years is turned into $200K for a new house. If you didn't have the insurance, you probably would have been completely ruined.1. to tell you the truth i dont know
2. well true it may be hard but it can be done, i may be old fashioned but if you need to pay for something then get it paid for by any means necessary that dont endanger someone else.
Also another question i have is how do we know this supposed healthcare the government will make you have will be any good? does anybody know what the terms are to this healthcare they are trying to force on us? For all i know or you know it could all be just a giant waste of money if the care is not up to par with what i already have.
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