From what I have seen is the Democrats though they still have the "wimp" image that quite a few are too stupid to understand that it was created form a smear campaign, they seem to be the voice of reasoning when it comes to the two parties...
I was awed when first of all every Republican at the party debate said they had NOTHING to change or improve about America if they could, wtf? Are they clearly that ignorant that they believe the United STates is perfect? It also bothers me that 3 out of the 5 said they didn't believe in Evolution.. Normally I wouldn't care, but if they are this dismissive about one of the largest backed up Scientific ideas in the community, how can we trust them if they will ever take advice from the science community when it comes to multiple issues?
Why hasn't any of the Republican's at very least called out the Bush Organization on choosing unqualified canidates for important decisions with loyalty over competence in mind?
Why hasn't the Republican party in general thrown any different stratgies for the war in Iraq? I find it shocking that throwing more bodies at a problem can even be CALLED a strategy...
In the end in these pass two terms I have lost respect for what everything the Republican party stands for.. They claim to be the party of morals and values, yet they call veterans who disagree with them cowards and unpatriotic.. How is it possible that some how they made Kerry a person who served in the Vietnam war a coward, traitor, snitch, murderer, and unpatriotic, and some how made bush a HERO when he couldn't even FINISH his training.. How the hell do these peoples have the balls calling the past Georgian senator having no knees and being unpatriotic, when none of these Republicans have ever served EVER.. While the Goergian senator (ALWAYS forget his name) lost a arm and two legs in the Vietnam war..
How can this party be so hawkish while at the same time smereing people who have actually been in the war that happen to have a difference of opinion..
That being said I am not saying Democrats are a beacon of light, but what I have seen is they are clearly the better chance.. And it shocks me that alot these peopel claim if the democrats get voted into office the country will go down hill... Wait a moment, isn't our country already going down hill?
We have violated numerous international laws, from balistics treaty, space programs treaty, numerous nuclear treaties, and geniva convention.
We have failed in our goals of stopping terrorism. The group that attacked us on 9/11 is still alive and larger then ever. We basically let go their main guy by pulling back troops for no for seeable reason.. We pre-empitvily attacked a country that did not provoke such a move.. We have created far more terrorism sense the Iraq War then before it... There were no WMD's we cost thousnads of soldiers lives, wounded uncountable amounts of soldirs as well as civilians over there.. Estimates have been pooring in of kill a huge amount of civilians both directly and indirectly in the War in IRaq..
Now there is nothing to do about it.. But this party in all its genious has yet to do anything other then throw bodies at a problem that has been getting greater every day.
It has caused our country billions of dollars, not to mention losing over 10 billion of HARD CURRENCY over there that could have very well fallen into terrorist hands..
We have committed diplomatic suicide. By first ignoring the UN, then calling countries such as France traitors and cowards for MERELY having a difference of opinion. We have done dumbass things such as refusing all foriegn aid for Katrina from numerous countries while spending massive amounts of money in trying to solve the problem.
The trickle down economic plan is not working, statistics have been showing the middle class is disolving where the poor become poorer and the rich become richer. Immigration has become a dieaster with the party looking from a business perspective rather then a government perspective in a issue that must be stopped. In the end regardless of the person I automatically look down on any one with the bias of owning massive CEO's or oil industries such as the one in office, whos to say their bias in decision making isn't lead on this motivation?
That whole thing can be said about the Democrats as well.
Just face it. This Nation is screwed when it comes to agreements. Washington warned us about the issues of Political Parties yet we did it anyways.Â
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